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Essentially when a trans person assumes a non-trans person lacks knowledge in an area where she (or he) is known to be an expert

Cis-gendered person: I cannot believe Dylan just transplained to me about the difference between men and woman. That dude is transplaining me.

by Chuckster7411 April 21, 2023

3👍 1👎


When a transgender person or transgender ally talks about their identity and/or general issues the transgender community face, and a transphobe wants to silence this discussion, they label whatever the transgender individual says as "transplaining".

Thus, "transplaining" is a slur a transphobe will use to label and stifle any conversation by a transgender individual or ally regarding trans issues.

Trans man (FTM): "I prefer he/him pronouns and prefer using the men's toilets, especially as I present as a male, thus using the women's toilets will cause confusion and makes me uncomfortable".

A transphobe/gender critical/terf: "You're transplaining!"

by FiniteSpeculation November 10, 2022

1👍 16👎