Russian persons try to life hack. Post every eigh tt ours. I not Russian, like Toom Room. Life hack cool. Best channel evr
Wach Toom Room. Troom Troom cool, so Troom Troom!
3👍 31👎
A virus in the Troom Troom universe that makes people want to eat, In the Troom Troom Universe it is highly contagious and businesses often ban food to make the worms starve. This means that people have to resort to sneaking food into weird places.
The Troom Troom Worms Virus is on the rampage right now.
the channel known for life hack videos
also known for its life situation comedy videos.
Shabnamified channel
Troom Troom: exists
Shabnam and her YouTube videos: AM I A JOKE TO YOU?????
Troome troome is the worst youtube channel ever made and its "life hacks" arent work and its instant cancer
Guy1: whats the cause for cancer
Guy2:troome troome