Twomad YTP are videos targeted to make Twomad laugh in rob him 1k bucks. These videos are enchanted versions of an YTP that contains all random memes you can think of, complimented with some diarrhea sounds, baba booey and Regular show's intro, etc.
Nerd 1: Hey, did you make Twomad laugh with your Twomad YTP last stream?
Nerd 2: No, I just wasted my 30$ and he didn't even smile. What a shame!
3👍 1👎
Getting up from your computer, console, ect while waiting in the queue.
Carl is twomadding right now, he's grabbing a snack
Dude, our tank must've be twomadding, he hasn't moved all game!
guy who makes things like ytp and overwatch gameplay and died in 2024 febuary 14-15 (idk)
twomad died of drug overdose
transphobic pedophile rapist narcist black youtuber/meme guy that fell off in 2023 after a bunch of accusation that were made about him that were true, he also tried to murder someone in 2024 but he died because of an overdose while playing overwatch. nobody seems to like him anymore since he is the definition of "what the fuck man" and it really shows because twitter is shitting on him even after his death. the guy just wasnt really all there if im being honest. he is like the edp445 but if he got what he deserved
guy 1: omg i love twomad, i loved that vid of him falling off a chair
guy 2: the fucker is a pedo btw
guy 1: oh.
friend: Hey what happened to chris the other day? I heard he pulled a TwoMad
You: Yea he pulled a TwoMad
friend: Rip