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Tour Of The Undercarriage

To pretty much run someone down with your car and quickly drive over them, they come in from the front and exit out the rear, essentially giving them a tour of the underside of your car.

"He was talking all that shit at the club so when I caught him outside in my Taurus I gave him a tour of the undercarriage"

by feed me paper August 3, 2018

Washin the undercarriage

The quick shower that a man or woman will take prior to a scheduled bang session. This may be needed to remove dingleberries from the ass, or worse odors from the tuna casserole. Washin the undercarriage is needed but yet also a waste of time since all you're going to do is shoot a load in that twat.

"Before we have have sex tonight, I'm going to be washin the undercarriage since I just worked out at the gym." Said Sarah to her hot, huge dicked husband.

by Mr Chaz January 16, 2013

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moist undercarriage

When a over sized female looks at a young male with a over sized penis she tends to get moist in her pants, due to a sexual discharge of her vagina.

Racheal got a moist undercarriage when she saw a large penis.

by The bad santa (dirty eggrole) June 11, 2014

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amish undercarriage

The region under your jawbone and neck, which is hidden from the Amish beard.

Jon was looking to present the Burnside but didn't know where to begin. Mike proceeded to explain it's simple, just shave out your soul patch, goatee & amish undercarriage.

by RJRG April 1, 2017

tickle the undercarriage

sexually stimulate a woman by inserting ones fingers into her vagina and rubbing the clitoris for pleasure

Tim reached up Toyna's skirt tickled her undercarriage during the school dance.

by Pete April 14, 2004

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The undercarriage of the human spider

The view as if you were laying on the floor staring up at 2 men sharing a dildo.

I googled Soos and Grunkle Stan porn the other night and saw the undercarriage of the human spider.

by JakeTheSnake6102 February 16, 2021

chocolate undercarriage

The covering of shit on the bottom of a man's balls, when a girl shits while having sex.

She was so excited to have sex with him, she forgot to use the bathroom, and gave him a chocolate undercarriage.

by Powderhound April 12, 2014

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