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Origin: Button under Facebook status updates. Meaning: To change your mind quickly about something in an unfavorable way.

I liked the piece of art in the gallery at first, but then I took a closer look and instantly unliked it.
I thought I would buy that new dress, but when I saw the fabric up close I unliked it.

by yocarolyn October 22, 2009

13πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

unlike you

A phrase of the idiot vernacular commonly used by 6th graders, unoriginal low-lives, and youtube commenters. It means "the adjective I just used serves as a double entendre, for you see, not only does it apply to this noun, but also to you. BURN!" Other forms include "Like your mom!" "And you're not!" and "I'm an idiot!"

This game is so cool, unlike you!

wow stfu man dis vid is ttly kewl unlike u!!!!

"This video is so brilliant!"
"Yeah, unlike you!"
"...We are no longer friends."

Friend A: Did you check out that movie?
Friend B: Yeah, it was so cool!
Some 6th grader who you don't even know: And you're not!
Friend A: Fuck off.
6th grader: *sobs*

Friend A: Hahaha, that was amazing!
Same 6th grader: Yeah, amazing like the sex I had with your mom last night!!!!!
Friend B: ...
Friend A: ...
6th grader: *runs*

by Kyothine May 29, 2009

10πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

unlike some people

A phrase often used sarcastically about someone.

It’s almost always used by mean girls to describe someone they don’t like in the most passive aggressive away ever.

erson 1:Omg she looks so good girl!

Person 2: yeah, unlike some people *looks at nerdy girl in the corner*
Person 1 and 2: *laughs*

by I MIGHT KILL MY EX July 13, 2023

Crazy unlike a fox

Regular crazy with no underlying cleverness or plan

Trump’s garbled thought processes, verbal gibberish and poor decision making all combine to demonstrate how he is crazy unlike a fox.

by Semolina Pilchard June 4, 2018

31πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Unlike you, im ME

this is a phrase i cam up with when somebody asks you for example, why you dint do somthing there way, or the way they like.

Q:why didnt you put your hair up today?
A:...cause unlike you, im ME.

Q:how come you never wear colorfull(colourfull if your american) shirts in the summer?
A:....uhhh cause unlike you....im ME!

VGQ:how come you never have rough sex with me in the bedroom???

A:i didnt know you were into that baby... good F@$%ing question.

by Kyle Pro May 13, 2009

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


When you like something by accident and unlike it. The world literally becomes a ball of fire, cyber bullying runs wild, and some representative of a racist gets offended.

Can you unlike this for me son, because I hate people....sure mom see your therapists.

I unlike you, but you kinda liked me so you can't take it back - Twilight saga

I unlike everything about this video.

I unlike you viewer.

I don't care

You will never get a like from me

I still don't care

Throws macaroni art on ground

Damn you got issues

I hate you

I just don't care damn


you see guys. Be nice to others and keep being awesom

by STANDUPCOMEDY November 29, 2021


Someone that cannot be liked in this world.

Ugh, I hate you. You know what, your unlikeable

by nat_the_kat May 10, 2021