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when you want people to remove yourself from group emails and no longer want to be part of the conversation.

simon: who knows, I cant choose you pick.
Daniel: I dont know you pick!
jason: me where?
Daniel: who's coming out for drinks

by Braveheartlover April 13, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


That rage you fly into when you have to go looking for how to unsubscribe from constant 'Daily Alerts' you've started receiving from somewhere - that you know you're never gonna read, which have started filling up your inbox - seemingly multiplying like gremlins that had water poured on them.

More unsubscribe-ire this morning! I don't even remember subscribing to half of this shit to be honest, but they send you an new email every day! Who has the time?

by Stivchik June 25, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's a Hard Unsubscribe For Me

When you see something and instantly know you want to have nothing to do it. The figurative version of projectile vomiting on command.

Typically seen in pet peeve situations, or when someone in a group mentions they want to order Indian Food.

Keanen: Haha oh Fuck, look at Coach's presser, he was hamming it up today. Talking wrestling. He really keeps the boys loose, eh.

Demmers: Ugh, That's a Hard Unsubscribe For Me.

by Mike109999 February 17, 2022


A cleaver way to talk about suicide without actually saying suicide.

Sometimes I wish I could unsubscribe from this world.

by Jyo September 21, 2021


Something you should do if you are subbed to dream, actually, if you are, go fuck yourself dry you stupid cunt, I WANTED THE FUCKING YELLOW MOOSHROM NOT SOME VIRGIN ASS BLUE SQUID

Dream Stan: you can't say that, I'll leak your IP if you talk about my sexy dream that way
Smart Gamer Chad: fuck off๐Ÿ–• and unsubscribe from him

by Keysmitty July 2, 2022


When something is not or someone says something that is not what you want to go along with. Also, if what you are hearing or reading is unbelievable, confusing, incredulous, or ridiculous.

They want me to carry that 20 pound box in 90 degree weather? Unsubscribe
The price for food has gone up. Unsubscribe.

Unsubscribe from this attitude you are giving me.

by BTSOT7luvagurlBorahae April 2, 2023