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V tech

A type of car modifiction usually on Honda's in Glendale driven by armos cruising Glenoaks on a Friday,Saturday Night Armo


by LiLit April 12, 2004

27👍 49👎


Virginia Tech. Commonly refers to the April 16 shootings.


See also Cho Seung-hui.

V-Tech just kicked in yo!

by bleeding nose April 27, 2007

15👍 24👎


Persians in honda civics all day!

Look at that v-tech!

by pssshhhhhhhh March 10, 2008

6👍 10👎


It was once a type of an engine, and only a type of an engine.Now it is the "Barsgahyes".They buy a 10,000 Honda they put this BIG ASS spolier on it its like 2 stories high thinking they're kool or i dont know wtv da hell goes throo there heads.They put a muffler dat makes the sound of a dying duck, they cruise on Glendale Showing it off.It can also be classified into a type of side burns, When they are long they they connect to your mustache, actually thats not called a V-tech.its called UGLY president Lincoln had one and dey SHOT HIM...We may never know the true meaning of this word. But i believe i am themost accurate of definers...

Ay bro check out my new Honda Civic V-tech Broooo

by Garen November 15, 2004

24👍 59👎

Honda V-Tech

A condition that Hondas reach when they go fast where the engine screams but the car doesnt go any faster, rather it just seems that it is because of the noise.

My honda v-tech really sucks

by Shank master general July 21, 2007

26👍 38👎


Why foreigners and 15 year old kids (and slow people) thinks Hondas are fast... When in all reality they are a slow poor excuse for a car and V-tech is nothing more than variable valve displacement.

15 year old kid -"Wow that whip is fast"

Slow person - "yeah it had v-tech"

Person with common sense - "No it's actually not fast and gets good mpg because of v-tech, if you wanted fast should have bought American"

by Hendobp December 17, 2015