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Viable Pet

A pet, usually a dog, that is able to exist without doing dishonorable things like chewing couches, staring at leaves, pooping on coworkers, ruining automobiles, or stealing toothbrushes. It is a rather low bar for a canine to clear; however, park hobo mongrels that were forced upon an unsuspecting patsy are quite often unable to qualify.

Sparky, a masculine medium-sized papered dog, is a viable pet and that bothers Ron. Song written about him called "Beast."

by tnj629 February 19, 2022

Maximum Viable Bureaucracy (Max VB)

Maximum Viable Bureaucracy refers to a process or agency that does its best to complicate and confuse what should be a straight forward action. Antonym of “efficient” and “expedient.”

Manually entering the same new hire data in a Sharepoint site, spread sheet and attached email form shows the U.S Postal Service operates on a Maximum Viable Bureaucracy (Max VB) philosophy.

by April 12, 2022

Maximum Viable Bureaucracy (Max VB)

Maximum Viable Bureaucracy refers to a process or agency that does its best to complicate and confuse what should be a straight forward action. Antonym of “efficient” and “expedient.”

Manually entering the same new hire data in a Sharepoint site, spread sheet and attached email form shows the U.S Postal Service operates on a Maximum Viable Bureaucracy (Max VB) philosophy.

by April 12, 2022