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Voicemail Concert

The act of recording parts of an especially kickass concert to the voicemail of an unfortunate friend unable to make it there due to school, work, or monentary troubles, so they don't feel quite as left out.

A close cousin to the phonecall concert, it allows for convenience and multiple listens.

Jake: Aw man, Matt and Kim are tearing up the stage with Daylight right now! I feel bad Nick can't be here to see this!
Mike: Oh don't worry about it, I'm leaving Nick a Voicemail Concert!

Nick (the next day): Dude you don't know how much I appreciate this. I don't even care that the audio sucks balls.

by MikeyMousekateer September 7, 2009

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caught on voicemail

A situation where a conversation not meant to be heard by a third party is recorded on voicemail or answering machine, due to one participant dialling a number (perhaps unintentionally) and forgetting to hang up after the call was not answered. The voicemail then activates and records the conversation. The person, on whose voicemail the conversation was recorded, can then listen to the conversation he/she was not meant to hear, and if necessary, provide it as evidence.
Such voice messages are often of poor sound quality, due to cell phone being placed in a pocket or purse, but often can be clear enough for the listener to extract the main idea.

Kate: So, I've heard you're going out with Adam? That's just two days after I broke up with him!?
Lana: Ahm... ... Who told you?
Kate: I heard your whole conversation with Carol on my voicemail. You called me, and must have forgotten to hang up after I didn't answer.
Lana: F***! I can't believe it got caught on voicemail!

by Alexinho09 September 28, 2009

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voicemail jail

A pre-recorded telephone answering system where callers are asked to press numbers on their telephone to hear different messages. Can often lead callers in circles, preventing them from doing what they are trying to do. These are most often used by large companies who are too cheap to get real people to answer the phone.

I tried to call the carpeting company but I got stuck in a voicemail jail.

by berkinator July 2, 2005

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Voicemail Rape

When you ring a friend and leave a stupidly long message so that they have to listen to it all to delete it.

You can sing to them play an annoying song as long as it takes a lot of time and they hate the little voice mail icon.

Victim - "Oh look I have a voicemail"

Phone - *never gunna give you up*
5 Minutes later
Phone - *Who you gunna call Ghostbusters*
Victim - "I've been Fucking voice mail raped"
That would be voicemail rape

by Alec Mason2 October 27, 2010

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Voicemail Tango

When you call someone and start leaving a voicemail, only to have them call you while leaving the message, possibly going to your voicemail, and you are both dancing the (brrum pum pum) voicemail tango !

"Did you reach Sue last night ? "
"No, I tried but we just did the voicemail tango until my battery died"
"Sux dude"

by Chicago Grooves November 26, 2012

Valley Voicemail

a Valley VM is that awkward start of a voice message when the person you had calls is simultaneously calling you.

Hey Jenny, just calling to see if you wanted to <beep> oh that's you calling on the other line, I just left you a "valley voicemail".

by Leuk O'Dont June 1, 2010

Pocket Voicemailing

(V) When someone accidently pocket calls you and leaves a really long voicemail of background noises.

Guy1: man, Louise pocket called me at 2:44 in the morning. And left a voicemail.
Guy2: really? What he say?
Guy1: nothing! It just sounded like a bunch of people talking and yelling in the background!
Guy2: oh. He was Pocket voicemailing you! Wow, too funny.

by sYk0t1Ck April 18, 2010

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