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The woman you'll never have.

Version 1:
"Yeah that's my waifu."

"Go get a life, she's out of your league."

Version 2:

"I want her but she's so far away"

"Yeah because she only exists on your screen dumbass."

by GaylordFaggotry July 22, 2018

96πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


"Waifu" is used to refer to a fictional girl or woman (usually in Anime, Manga, or video-games) that you have sexual attraction to, and you would even marry. But now, there are platforms like WaifuEngine . com that allow you to customize and interact with your very own waifu!

I'm in love with my waifu, and Waifu Engine helped me bring her to life!

by MLE-Chan May 29, 2021

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


To make someone or something your "Waifu".

This can be a term used to describe someone making a certain anime girl into their Waifu.

It could mean someone marrying their Quote on Quote "Waifu".

I waifued 'insert name here' yesterday, since they are my f a v o r i t e anime girl :3

by MiraTheWaifu November 12, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


If youre friends with a weeb, you probably hear this phrase often. A waifu can be a human or an anime character. Waifus are usually attractive, and are ones "best girl" . Real life waifus are what weebs call their girlfriends/platonic lovers.

Omg Kirigakure is my waifu!

by howtobesad101 October 6, 2019

32πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


(fandom slang) A fictional female character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga or video game) to whom one is attracted and, in some cases, whom one considers a significant other.

Waifus is a plural of waifu.

a man can marry an infinite amount of waifus without any limits to how many he can marry because they are fictional character.

I have infinite amount of waifus. They are 2D.

by Infinite waifus September 7, 2017

82πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Anime girl you wanna stick your dick into

β€œSakura Haruno is my waifu”
β€œBro you have shit taste”

by I’m a mega Retard February 2, 2020

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž



You're a waifu

by iLOVENHATEYOU April 27, 2021

36πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž