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walk, talk, and cock block

The process in which two or more people notice that one of their friends is walking/flirting with a person that is way too attractive for them. Thus, to break up the social engagement the initial group that noticed the flirting catches up to the canoodling couple and initiates a conversation to prevent the pair from flirting further.

Guy A: Dude, did you see Carl and Vanessa walking to class together.

Guy B: No, why?

Guy A: He was hitting on her like crazy.

Guy B: Wow, that's not even reasonable; she's way hotter than he is.

Guy A: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Guy B and Guy A in unison: Walk, talk, and cock block.

(They grab their books and run after Carl and Vanessa in hopes of killing the mood.)

by MBCI kinda sucks July 22, 2009

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walking talking sperm bank

slut, especially one that performs a lot of oral sex

"That bitch has sucked so much cock she's a walking talking sperm bank

by Al Jezera April 8, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Walk what you talk

Basically means "do what you say"

Example 1:

Person 1: "You should stop being such a moron"
Person 2: "Walk what you talk"

Example 2:
Person 1: "You complain about things but you do them yourself. You should walk what you talk"

by finlay29 November 13, 2016

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walking talking sperm bank

A person who gives a lot of oral pleasure. See also cum dumpster.

She sucks so much cock that she's a walking talking sperm bank

by KingofSpain357 March 6, 2005

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walking talking sperm bank

beth from the trailer park

beth sucks a lot of cock

by steve April 22, 2004

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walk the talk

1. Just because you can talk the walk doesnโ€™t mean you can walk the talk
2. You canโ€™t walk the walk if you walk the talk
3. If you talk the talk donโ€™t even talk to me
4. Those who walk the talk know they can walk the talk

5. If you canโ€™t walk the talk youโ€™re a fucking peasant

Look I know you can talk the walk but it doesnโ€™t mean you can walk the talk

by ASDFFDSA12344321 May 4, 2021