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When a person named Walker says or does something awkward which makes the situation uncomfortable.

Walker was acting really walkward when he met Violet's goat. This made the goat scared and it fainted.

by Tinishiqua March 26, 2014


whenever you have an awkward moment with a stranger while either one of you is walking.

"Did you see johnny walk into that lady on the subway?! It was walkward as hell

by tHe JokEr666 March 4, 2010


When you're walking behind someone in an empty hall, there's no room to pass, and they're walking way too slow... it gets a little walkward.

Collin: dude, I was walking behind this chick today on the way to Algebra and she was going soo fucking slow...
Ted: that's walkward.
Collin: sure...

by TZimmerman February 12, 2010


A sense of anxiety when you run into someone in the street that you do not intend to run into and you both continue walking with no intention of stopping even though you must acknowledge one another. The awkwardness is felt heavily by both parties, who continue walking with no signs of stopping for a thorough chat.

I passed Angelo on the street today, we both said hi but just kept walking. It was so walkward.

by betsyboopie August 25, 2017


When someone's walking motions are irregular, abnormal, or uncomfortable to watch.

"Do you see that guys who kind of bounces when he steps? His movements are pretty walkward."

by The_Winkelmann November 12, 2012


A situation in which a person changes the way they walk because of something which makes them look awkward

"Dude... You walkng kinda.. walkward.. whats up with that?"
"Nothin man... It's nothin..."

by TTime321 May 26, 2012