The terrible feeling you get when you realise the masturbatory porn you've been rather enjoying can only have been cohersive or utterly degrading... but you just go on (from Wank + Angst).
Phil realised all too late that there was NO WAY that chick was into THAT and the vinegar stroke left him filled with wangst.
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The feeling of overwhelming vicious hate towards your job. Most often occuring during 5 points: Mondays, when you wake up each weekday morning, the second you get to the office, right after lunch, and when you are asked to stay late. Also, most often occuring when you are the WanganatoR. Temporary relief for Wangst includes skiving, and plotting to upset the company's network so that no work can be done. Permanant relief includes finding a new job which does not totally suck. Or maybe quitting my job to write: 'From teenage angst, to post-college wangst'.
Origins of word come from ancient celtic tradition, or Micah.
My job gives me so much wangst.
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the exaggerated and self-aggrandizing expressions of personal discomfort concerning their choices, overdone by comic superheroes and televangelists.
You will never catch Deadpool engaging in wangst unsarcastically, which is a nice change from all the ones that can spend six panels on it as though we cared.
Ted Cruz is the wangst diva of Washington; the guy's face is permanently warped in an "I'm so righteous but I have to do so many tough-love things that it hurts just to be me" expression.