Phrase, generally used in a sarcastic tone, used to exaggerate something's distance, location or someone's profession. It is often accompanied by the term "like". Less popularly, it may be used in several other contexts which are deemed appropriate at the time.
Ex. 1 - Elisa: I wonder where they keep their jewelry...
Angela: Watch it be, like, on the top shelf where no one can reach or see it.
Ex. 2 - Jim: What's she do for a living?
Frank: Not sure. I'll ask her... Watch it be professional wrestling.
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A period of time aboard vessels in which a person must stand as a lookout, or be in command of the ship, usually in 4-hour shifts.
I am on watch from 8am - 12pm, and from 8pm - 12am.
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Watchful means exactly that, watching someone like a hawk.
I'm being watchful about this one. Nuff said.
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When you threaten someone in a friendly manner
*Chloe steals one of my chips*
John: Hey! Watch it!
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An ornament for your hand that people buy just to look cool and rich
Person 1:Hey what time is it
Person2:Time for you to get a watch
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Something said right before a person does something amazingly stupid.
In the military it takes a quantum leap. with high explosives, high performance aircraft and situations that will get you killed in a heartbeat.
along with "based on my experience" "I've made a decision" "trust me" and "watch this"
It reaches another level if the MFer is smiling, chuckling or laughting.
The most dangerous thing in the US Army is a warrant officer AH-64 Apache pilot chuckling and saying "watch this"
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Watching it means reenacting the sex scenes of a movie while still watching the movie.
Remember Wedding Crashers? Yeah, we were watching it in ToΓ±o's truck the other night.
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