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white caps

It's usaully said "white hats". It's a term mostly used in the phish parking lots and "heady" scene to describe obnoxious preppy frat boy types there to party and not as much for the music. These are also the "kids" who will most likely spend $300 on ticket to a sold out phish show. They are a lot of times "custies" as well.

did you see that white cap (white hat)? He's pretty obnoxious.


by ashley January 31, 2004

7👍 3👎

White Cap

n. Slang. A bowl of marijuana topped off with cocaine

Dude, I got some whitecap...Wanna share?

by callinghome November 2, 2004

15👍 13👎

White Cap

White Cap (verb): the act of cumming into a hat and placing said hat upon someone's (usually a female's) head.

The term comes from the "white caps" on waves, the white, foamy, uppermost part of a wave.

Dude 1: Lauren kept bugging me to let her wear my hat all evening, it was so annoying.

Dude 2: Did you let her?

Dude 1: yeah, but I white capped her. She didn't even notice till she went to take the hat off, and it was glued to her head!

by SexyRanchDressingMan September 12, 2010

5👍 4👎

White Wool Cap

The residual left at the tip of the penis after a male ejaculates into a napkin or a few squares of toilet paper, most likely after masturbating.

After going on a 3 day long, masturbatory binge, and ejaculating into every napkin he could find, Jim had a big enough White Wool Cap to fully clothe a tiny, Chinese village.

by Ze Ewok June 6, 2011