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Originally: Morning based on woona time.

Now: However it is now a slang term used for β€œhello” because people from many time zones use it

@jim wooning

by Rtencreeper June 3, 2022


Those little pieces of wood that attempts to pass as a spoon. Most commonly furnished with malts and ice cream cups sold at stadiums and cafeterias.

The woon is about as useless as a spork.

by Hannibal Cannabis February 19, 2019

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A novice and everything.

A person who can be described as a, Loser,Loner, and potential peodphile.

It is a term for a nerd.

Wow, What a WOON...

Go away! You WOON!

Did you know, Cai is a WOON.

by Jackson Yap October 16, 2009

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A Middle-eastern wog hoon.

A 'Woon' is a young Middle-eastern male exhibitionist who usually drives cars with large exhaust systems and 'P' plates. Parades around using one of four mobile phones.

by Hodolee January 24, 2009

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Weak and dumb

Ha, you're so woon!

by bcfijeosdmgiryeuwoe May 23, 2020

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Barnabas Woon

Some may say call him banana Woon,
Some may call him baboon,
But he will always be our Barnabas Woon.

Mr Barnabas Woon is the best.

by Dr_Pakawat January 18, 2018


Another word for "ownage , owned " . It's a new word for when you are pvping or you did something really uber hard .

And if you wanna be really hardcore player please you word "Lego penis " as well .

()()====|-|> - lego penis

You got WOONED . Beat my WOONINATION .
I'm WOONEDNESS . There is no place like WOONAGE LAND .

Your lego penis just grow for few more bricks , congratulations .

by legopenisgoesbrickmode March 8, 2009

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