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Dope worker

A dope worker is a person that basically hangs around and works as long as you supply them dope.

I think I seen him at the dope house, he is a dope worker there.

by Ole Wes May 27, 2018

Light Worker

A Light Worker is a person who was placed on this Earth for a reason. Their reason for being placed on Mother Earth is to bring light wherever they may go. Every Light Workers usually had a very rough upbringing. They have experienced trauma, and hurt. This trauma and hurt was simply their training for their destiny. In order to understand the way out of the darkness, one must live in the darkness. Light Workers experience life in the darkness. Unfortunately, some do not always find their way out. (addiction/suicide/murder/mental illness)

Every potential Light Worker hears the call to duty. Their intuition will let them know that they have a serious duty here on Earth. Some listen, some ignore. Those who listen must first heal themselves, and once completely healed and spiritually whole, they can then help others. Light Workers will save the world in the darkest of times. They know the way out. They will never stop working towards positive change, spiritual growth, and a society that is far less shallow and a lot more loving. Light Workers are people you feel pull towards, they are the people you take advantage of if you happen to be a user. Beware, though.. they never allow disloyalty for long. Their growth game is strong. They are the future of this world.

She/He has been through a lot. They have over come all of their obstacles and they always lend a helping hand to those who need them. He/she is a light worker, he/she helps heal others everywhere they go.

by Vagabond April 25, 2020

256๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A thief who specializes in robbing drunks on the subway.

Subway Mike was a skillful lush-worker, so well known to the subway squad, spent half of his time doing the five-twenty-nine for jostling.

by brasswater July 9, 2013

Council Workers

Usually a person who is employed by a local council in the western suburbs who is your stereotypical bogan but ethnics also are employed, They are sent to do repairs around the city but do nothing than eat or sleep whilst on the job. They are usually sent in packs of up to 15 men to get a job done but only 2 out the 15 men do the job while the rest slack off.

'10 council workers sent to fix a small pothole in the road whilst only 2 of the workers do the duty whilst the rest go down to the local pub.'

by whenssmokebrah January 19, 2013

36๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

drug worker

SImilar to a sex worker, a drug worker is anyone who works in any capacity in the drug trade, legal or illegal. A pharmacy cashier is a drug worker. A medical marijuana dispensary cashier is a drug worker. Someone who sells heroin needles is a drug worker. A go-between who gets drugs from dealer to customer is a drug worker. A look-out who watches for cops is a drug worker. A person who tests ecstasy at raves is a drug worker.

If we legalized weed, drug workers could pay taxes into the Social SEcurity system and keep it solvent.

by Stoned Faux July 27, 2018

mouth worker

- A colleague that never gets anything done, just talks and talks and talks.

- One who works solely with his/her mouth, just bosses others around.

- Typically in Management, HR, Accounting, and/or Sales and Marketing.

"My colleague is such a mouth worker, all he does it talk sports with our boss all day."

by reretartar January 22, 2013

worker bee

Job title for people who do all of the hard work but get none of the credit.

Twenty years from now I'll still be a worker bee.

by ud40 February 23, 2005

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