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The art of manipulating ink to do your dirty work.

I can write whatever the fuck I want, no one can stop me with my pen and paper.

by Jon Kassab April 6, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of putting ideas, thoughts, etc into a work of literature. Can be done anywhere; like on paper, online, and for the rebels: on other people's property.

Natalie was writing a poem for her crush.
Jenna was writing ideas for her newest book.
Sabrina was writing the next chapter of her story online.

by IKillButter January 23, 2012

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The most annoying thing ever. This makes you want to yeetus yeetus commit self deleteus.

My parents are like writing.

by Chase_333 November 10, 2019

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Past tense of write

I Writed a paragraph on the bird.

by John debate December 24, 2018

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The act of using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling to make a complete form of communication. Whether it be through typing or physically writing. Most people use technology to do their writing. Many students in college type their essays.

Sam: The other day John said I didn't know what writing was.
Brian: What'd you do?
Sam: I looked it up on urban dictionary.

by Overtheshoulderboulderholder November 10, 2015


n. The section of cigarette closest to the filter; the very last part of a cigarette you can smoke.

Refers to the name of the cigarette brand usually being 'written' on this section.

Often the person who has actually smoked most the cigarette won't bother smoking all the way down to 'writings' and so the term is almost only used by someone else who is without cigarettes and is trying to scrounge some free smoke.

Hey, dude, can I get writings?

by dickywilly May 25, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A punishment assigned to students.

Teacher talking... *Class doesn't listen*
Teacher: Since you won't listen I want some sort of writing assignment turned in by the end of the week.

by Pickled Eggs October 22, 2009

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