Source Code

Dark Man X

DMX one of the illest rappers of all time is also known as
- Dark Man X
- Dark Man
- X
- The Dog

- Dark Man X got ya bouncin again - "Party Up"
- There ain't no sunshine when the Dark Man comes out - "No Sunshine"
- X gon give it to ya - "X gon give it to ya"
- Earl Simmons, AKA The Dog - "My Life"

by Kato April 6, 2006

62👍 13👎

Mega Man X

Mega Man X (known as Rockman X in
Japan) is the final creation of Dr. Thomas
Light, built in the year 20XX, and sealed
away underground in Light's lab so that
his systems could be tested for any
imperfections. It should be noted that
Mega Man X is NOT the same robot as
the original Mega Man, they are in fact
two separate robots, with X being an
entirely different project from the original
Mega Man. X is the first of his kind, a
robot which can think, feel, and make his
own decisions; the same as any human,
without any special programming to
dictate his purpose or function. His name,
X, is symbolically the same as the
variable X, and is named so for the ability
to anything he wants in life with no
restrictions. This freedom has great
potential for good as well as bad. To make
sure X would wake up to the world a good
person, Light sealed him away in a
capsule for at least 30 years in order to
test his systems. However, X wound up
being tested for over 100 years, waking
up in the year 21XX, after being
discovered by archaeologist, Dr. Cain. His
specifications were used as a template to
create an entire series of robots by Dr.
Cain, who felt X's designs would be to
beneficial to mankind to be left alone.
These robots became reploids, which
seems to be short-hand for replicated
android. X's profession is that of a
Maverick Hunter, a special task force
designed to stop criminal reploids, deemed too
dangerous for humans to encounter.

Mega Man X may be a crybaby pacifist to some, but a BADASS TO ALL!!

by PhantomGeminiThief April 30, 2019

Mega Man X

While the details are unknown as of yet (Damn Capcom always starting a spin-off before finishing the original), it is assumed that Mega Man X, or simply X, was an upgraded version of Mega Man, a service robot remodeled for war. Dr. Light, who created Mega Man, programed X to give Mega Man the gift of free will. Before he released X, he put him in a stasis capsle for 30 years to run tests to determine that X wouldn't breat any of the laws of robotics. 30 years later, X was found and reactivated by Dr. Cain. Robots were built based off of X's programing called Reploids. Everything seemed to be fine until a renegade Reploid harmed a Human. A Reploid who does that is called a Maverick. This robot was quickly destroyed, but soon other reploids went Maverick, and a Maverick Hunter force had to be assembled which was led by Dr. Cain's own best robot, Sigma. Unfortunately Sigma too went Maverick and X once again had to give up a life of peace to save the human race along with another Hunter, Zero.

Mega Man X, first game I ever got for the SNES and probably one of the best.

by Locke Cole July 26, 2004

36👍 12👎

Mega man X

Contrary to popular belief, Mega Man X is the second version of Mega Man created by Dr. Light.
(In case you didn't know, Mega Man died at the hands of Zero.)
Enhanced with new armor as well as the ability to make his own choices, he now commands the Maverick Hunters.

Mega Man X IS NOT Mega Man.

by PercentZero July 20, 2004

31👍 15👎

Norwegian Nailboard Pipe Job Super-X-man Diving Board Formation

When one partner paints them self in blue and lies on a board of nails with an X formation, formed by their arms and legs and then places a pipe with a circumference of 5cm above their entry point. Then the other starts by continuously jumping up and down on a diving board to gain height once enough height is gained, the person will then superman with their penis head facing the pipe into the first partner's entry point. Once completed, the room should be full of red (blood, from the pipe, which is too small to fit the girth of an average male penis), blue (paint, from the woman receiving a dripping blood penis) and white(semen or if done with caucasian people). With all these colors you've now decorated the room with a Norwegian flag.

Guy: Hey want to perform the Norwegian Nailboard Pipe Job Super-X-man Diving Board Formation.

Rachel: mmm... I don't know.

Guy: Trust Me I'll nail it

Rachel: Uhh.. ok I guess I'm down but only if you subscribe to SpectresRowdy on Youtube

2 hours later and a bloody penis...

Guy: "I just performed the Norwegian Nailboard Pipe Job Super-X-man Diving Board Formation on this petite teen named Rachel"

Guy 2: Nice wanna go watch some SpectresRowdy now!

by SpectresRowdy September 20, 2018