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Y Tho

A massive lacking of understanding or comprehension of what you are witnessing. To be confused beyond the realities of the real world. A true blown lightbulb moment.

Sarah Palin: I can see Russia from my house.
Katie Couric: Y Tho!

by TheTasteofUnicornMeat April 22, 2017

45👍 26👎

but y tho

Just y?

Jimmy saw a fat monolisa. Jimmy said, but y tho.

by The lolrus that sez FUS RO DAH November 20, 2017

5👍 1👎

Y tho

It is a short Way of typing 'why though'
Honestly, I think ppl use this cause they can't spell 'though'

Anna: "I shaved my eyebrows!"
Alexa: "Y tho?"

by Ohgreatlord March 2, 2019

Y tho

Short form of why though, used when someone says something dumb or does something stupid.

Person 1: Yo check out this song
*Mine Diamonds song plays*

Person 2: y tho

by Krazy Boi December 27, 2018

7👍 4👎

Y tho

When you can't believe something stupid but unbelievable happens leaving you with barely anything to say.

Like...y tho?...why would you like...like just....why.

by popcorn cupcakes...or whatever January 13, 2020

lol y u mad tho?

knowing that he/she is upset, they tell u there not upset, but you make a joke out of it and ask them why their angry knowing the answer already and just to make him/her more upset.

- "lol y u mad tho?" "i just said i wasn't!" "but you sound like it"

-"god damn, you beat me again! what ever, i didn't even feel like playing any way!" "lol y u mad tho?"

by Jojo P. February 8, 2012

23👍 11👎

Y tho

But y tho?

The y tho kid picture comes from a failed restoration of a painting of Pope Leon X, painted by Fernando Botero. I don't have any more information to share rn :D

by Ilikesailormoon_13 August 17, 2022