the REAL word for "seagull"
created when the crazy yellises came to visit me in P.E and made me a prophet for them
they told me that the real word for seagull was Yellis
see crazy yellis
damn dude look at all the yellises
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the elite of the yellis (seagull), the kings, who visited 2 7th graders and made them prophets
if you see a yellis you will collapse in awe
the only example that ever happend was when the crazy yellises endowed the 7th graders prophets in Palo Alto, California
A girl that complains and yells continuously throughout the day. Then when she goes to bed and you think you have peace, she snores like a bear
This yelly bear Filipina girl complains all day then startles the neighbours dogs with her bear like snoring
Slang name for an exclamation mark.
I don't like this! Yelled Michael. Uses the yelly Mark.
Refers to the yellow stains on your newly purchased Dr Martin steel toe caps.
"oh bugger, me Docs are yelly bedded up to the max already"
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Coolest Chick in the room.
The kind of person that walks into the room and catches everyone’s attention
Damn check out Yelly who just came in, she’s hella cute