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your mom called

originally derived from "your mom" but suffixing the "called" after a brief pause to add comedy and confussion to the recipiant

person a: dude, you're dumb
person b: oh yeah... well... your mom!... called.
person a: (confused) seriously?

by luker May 29, 2004

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your mother called

When your mother calls to let you know what you're having for dinner

Hey Asia, your mother called

by Z dawg@hyatt November 17, 2013

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getting your cattle call on.

Calling out to harass an over weight person.

using demeaning or inappropriate terms.
using crude and offensive language
Often performed for and audience or self amusement.
The act is verbal and not a physical behavior.
The conduct constituting harassment is not always sexual in nature.
"Is it still winter or is your fat ass blocking out the sun?"

The opposite of "cat call"

getting your cattle call on.
Oh hell, are you getting you cattle call on again?!?

by intuitionx2 August 13, 2010

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call your guy!

When you think you’re going to have an easy night out then you decide you need a substantial amount of drugs and need to call your go-to dealer.

Brian said he wasn’t doing any coke last night but after three beers he kept screaming “call your guy!” and we got an 8ball.

by Timmy Boom December 10, 2017

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Call your hit!

A phrase that is often uttered by airsoft players, claiming they hit you and you didn't acknowledge that they hit you, and that you stayed in the game without going out.

Dude, I hit you! I hit you! Call your hit!

by Alltheotherpseudonymsweretaken April 16, 2017

call your office

Before the advent of mobile communication devices (pagers, mobile phones), someone at a public event might be summoned over the public address system to "call your office", indicating that an urgent message was waiting for them. In this context, the phrase is used to imply that someone is unaware of important information - i.e. that their arguments are uninformed and therefore superfluous.

Your argument is wrong at every level. You should really call your office.

by Optiongeek April 8, 2010

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call your mother

When you are doing, have been doing, or have done something that has led you along a bad path. It’s time to touch back and remember your morals and values, to get a reminder of the basic rights and wrongs of life. American values Apple Pie 101 — you’ve forgotten about all of it, city slicker. You left home an Eagle Scout, you had respect and you knew where you came from. The whole town waved you off with flags. You made it big now all a sudden you forgot about decency and goodness. That old lady with groceries ?Can walk herself across the g d street. It’s time to call mom. You are out of line and none of us can snap you out of it. You are getting too far gone

Louis: “I don’t pay into the system just to have to pay millions for your health care when you are chowing down on fried chicken and…”

Person: “Call your mother, Louis”

by williet hughnot August 4, 2023