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Relax your tits

a phrase used to tell someone to relax and calm down in a stressful situation.

Dude, relax your tits. I got this.

by Yoniweb December 7, 2012

cool your tits

a phrase used to tell someone to calm down or step off.

"Oh my god, you ass, you spilled your soda all over my lab report! i worked all night on that!"

"cool your tits, you can print another one!"

by ieatpoopallday January 31, 2008

44πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Rubbing on your tits

The female version of "busting one's balls" or a friendly reminder that you're only joking.

Matt: "Brenner you ugly!"
Brenner: "Shut up!"
Timmy: "chill We're just rubbing on your tits."

by Arby2013 October 16, 2009

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

calm your tits

A term that is used towards someone who is being overdramatic or too enthusiastic about a simple topic or matter.

Dan: "Matt your swing is awful! Your only swinging with your arms, you have to shift your weight more" Matt: "Dan, calm your tits"

by JPsKills10 July 4, 2010

397πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Calm Your Tits

Soothe your Boobs - Destress your Breast - Adjust your Bust before it Combusts - Undo the Calamity that is your Mammaries - Give that Chest a Rest - Hakuna your Tatas (calmyotits.com)

- honey why you cheat on me?
- calm your tits

by titscalmer July 1, 2015

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Dump your tits

A formal request for a female to display her breasts to everyone in the room.

Sally asked me for a ride home. I said yea maybe if you DUMP YOUR TITS !

by terp23670 September 11, 2009

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

flicking your tit

When you’re joking with somebody and you want to make it clear that you’re just joking around.

Similar to: I’m just joshing around.

Oh gee Gabby, I wasn’t serious about you eating my ass! I was just flicking your tit!

by nojh June 27, 2018