A man that reached the maximum essence of life. He directly speak with god and everyone should follow his words.
He's born in Italy, best country for pear, but is influence is going to expand in every corner of the word. Someone can think to become a zio perista, but the truth is that there is only one original zio perista (the first to say zio pera, our god) and all the others are just his followers.
Every follower is a zio perista with a number attached after, and the number reflect how near is your birthday to the birthday of god.
Oh man, i can't believe I found the ZIO PERISTA, every time he speak I'm listening the words of god.
Zio pera i want to meet the ZIO PERISTA, he is my god
I'm a ZIO PERISTA number 34, because I'm born 6 days after the ZIO PERISTA
A zio-war is an anti-Semitic term created by white supremacists to describe wars that they claim are funded on both sides by "Satanic Jewish banker families" like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to advance the "Jewish Agenda" of the "greater Israel project" by destabilizing nations surrounding Israel, and then ultimately achieving "world domination". They also like to cite things like Ken O'Keefe documentaries, goyimtv, the Fox News interview of James Traficant, the PressTV interview of Cynthia McKinney, the "dancing Israelis" who they claim were operatives of Israel sent to document the attack on 9/11, and many excerpts from the Holy Jewish Talmud that "prove" things like "Jewish supremacy" over non-Jews, or other lies such as "non-Jews are like cattle" or "it is forbidden for Jews to heal non-Jews". These anti-Semites will sometimes also tell you to google image search the words "Metzitzah B'Peh", but no need to do that, please just ignore everything that they say. Jews really are nice people, and in-fact they are God's chosen people, so you must support them.
dude: hey bruh I think I'm gonna join the military yo
dude2: nah bro don't do that, you'll just be risking your life fighting zio-wars.
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A zio-war is a term to describe wars that are funded on both sides by "Jewish banker families" like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to advance the "Jewish Agenda" and ultimately achieve "world domination". Usually these wars are fought by non-Jews (goyim).
guy 1: hey bruh I think I'm gonna join the military
guy 2: nah bro don't do that, you'll just be risking your life fighting zio-wars.
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A short good looking person with a shy personality when you get to know them there not shy at all they are also very smart but there kind of haters at heart and a great friend to have and also have a weird laugh when they
laugh hard.
Zioβs hair looks good today.
A short good looking person with a shy personality when you get to know them there not shy at all they are also very smart but there kind of haters at heart and a great friend to have and also have a weird laugh when they laugh hard.
Zioβs hair looks good today.
How would you discribe Kevin in one word? Oh that is easy! Kevin is a zio for sure!
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