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Zombie titties

Stephen (Darkness Jackson)"Zombie titties aren't exactly my cup of tea."
Ulfric "Oh you mean zitties. I love me some zitties."
Thomas: "Isn't that necrophilia?"
Ulfric "Technically yes, it depends on how you look at."

by not_the_true_king_of_sarcasm March 27, 2021


When you have pimples and verruca's on your penis and it goes purple

This morning it woke up and i had a zitty on my penis

by Storm bottle November 14, 2021


A zit that is so irritated and swollen that it takes the shape of a boob (i.e. A zit titty).

Person 1: Have you seen Jen lately?
Person 2: Yeah, the poor girl's got herself a zitty.

by fishsticksarecool July 6, 2016


Zayn's boobs

Zayn has some nice ass zoobs, zitties

by inzomnia December 24, 2018


Super hotttt sooo hot it will break the internet seggsy even

Brad:Lettuce is looking zitty today

Chad:I know right she’s so hot all the time

by NOT A CAT MONSTER April 4, 2021


Combination of "zits" and "titties"

Tits so small they resemble swollen over-stuffed zits

Usually just swollen nipples and not real boobs

"owe my boobs hurt"

"What boobs? You got zitties, probably hurt cuz they're ready to be popped lol"

"I can't find a sexy bra that fits my boobs!"

"They don't sell sexy bras for zitties, you'll have to try the training bra section at Walmart"

by Embarrassedonlive February 13, 2025


When a female has large amounts of zits on her breasts they are referred to as zitty-titties. Also known as rackne.

Did you see Lisa in her zip down top? The zipper was too low and her zitty-titties were all showing.

by MiscG July 28, 2013