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Liking (emo) music, (MCR,TØP,P!ATD,FOB) watching Emo you tubers (DAN AND PHIL, CRANKTHATFRANK, JESSIE PAEGE)
Very antisocial (kinda depressed depends who u r)

Jimmy: No
Mom: stop trying to be cool *says under breath* at least it’s just a phase

by rachaelr March 29, 2019

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Emo- short for emotional

Not a type of music style.

Not a type of clothing style.

A state of mind.

Prep: Oh my god look at that emo girl over there.

Smarter Prep: U can't say she's emo just because she died her hair purple, pink, and orange. That's called scene

by true_emo_chick August 14, 2009

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A type of sterio type that kids call other kids. Mostly because the listen to hxc music, indi music, alternitive rock ect. Also because they wear "tight ass pants". And they all say you cut your wrist for attention. That is not what "emo" is. Nor is "emo" short for emotional. Emo is a stupid sterio type all kids use because they think if your diffrent your emo.

Kid 1: Dude, that kid is so fukin' emo! He listens to all the hard core screaming shit.

Kid 2: Don't fucking stero type him, because he isn't "emo" . . . . . Asshole.

by xxxamazingxxx May 21, 2009

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A "non-comformist" who believes that in his/her half-million dollar home, no one under him/her. The non-conformist idea comes from the illusion that if they dressed uniquely, someone would understand them. It's 2010. Nothing is unique. For some reason, they keep believing in this submissive, depressed way of life.

The Emo subculture generally consists of high school age kids, and the age group thins out as puberty stops. This usually coincides with the realization that cutting your wrists and having holes in your ears that could fit tennis balls is a bad idea.

Emo is never to be compared in similarity of goth!

I am neither Emo nor Goth, so do not mistake me as such, but I have realized this:

If you call an emo a pussy, they will say you just don't understand, and maybe write some pathetic poem.

If you call a goth a pussy, he will pull out a knife, and cut you one.

Now, if you have any insults for me, well, I really don't give a damn.

by Lokkengeist May 10, 2010

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A stereotype used by teenagers to try and classify other teenagers, like prep or goth. A major part of a closed minded way of thinking that prevents people from making real friends and really getting to know each other. It's perfectly appropriate to use if you're fine plodding along with the rest of the herd and don't want to think for yourself.

(kid 1)-Hey, look at that kid in the black band shirt, he must be totally emo. freak
(me)-Have you ever even talked to him? Don't classify people who you don't know, because you don't know what you're talking about!

by mermaniac March 7, 2009

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attention seeking whores.

Emo kid: Maybe if I dye my hair black, cut, write poetry, have sex with other emos and take a sick myspace pic of it, I will get the attention I crave.

by Jersey Kid January 26, 2008

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In the late 1980's Goths & New Romantics would meet in nightclubs, have sex and produce babies. The resulting spawn of these two hideous fashion disasters would then grow up to become Emo's.

Combineing the worst possible aspects of it's parents emo's are lving proof that two wrongs not make a right.

Because of their love of Hitler-esque extreme side partings, sullen expressions and men wearing make-up crowds of emos generally resemble Neo-Nazis at a Motley Crue gig.

Emo is a shortened version of Emotional & used as a name becuase it is thought describe their sensitive, thoughful state of mind, although a moore accurate name would 'Twats'.

'Everyone hates emo's becuase they're sensitive & special people.'

'No. It's becuase you're a cunt'

by El B@stardo February 15, 2009

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