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Kyler verse

The name of an Asian who likes Taco Bell. Beta cuck who has such a way with Woman that they can’t help but run away. The only thing stronger then him is his over whelming hot dog smell when standing close to him. What he lacks in looks he makes up for in Weight weighing over almost 600 pounds and standing around 4,11. He is think he is cute and he is a beta

Don’t be such a kyler verse and approve this definition already ( don’t approve it your gay)

by Orosz99 January 27, 2020

Kyler Schaffer

Kyler schaffer is the sexiest man alive, but with looks comes consequences. he will probably date at least 3 girls that are your friends. He is SUPER hot and he knows how to be a good listener, they usually have brown/black hair with brown eyes. He will probably commit a few crimes but you cant help but miss him while hes serving jail time. He usually likes blonde girls so you better watch out. He will probably be a good human being and if you brek his heart it will tear YOU apart because not to have on is a horrible thing.

Girl 1: whos that hot guy over there?

Girl 2: that´s kyler schaffer the one and ONLY

by https://urmom.com/wut January 7, 2022

Kyler’s Mom’s Car

Kyler’s Mom’s Car -
The car that got absolutely fucked by a Boston Marathon Bomber Doppelgänger

Kyler’s Mom’s Car in stats

Kyler: Oh no the website crashed
Ben: Yea like you driving your mom’s car

by Ooby Bob September 28, 2023

Kyler’s Mom’s Car

The car that got absolutely fucked by a Boston Marathon Doppelgänger

Kyler’s Mom’s Car
Kyler: Oh no the website crashed
Ben: Yea like your mom’s car

by Ooby Bob September 28, 2023

Crazy Kyler

A bat shit insane native creature named Kyler who strangles people with bike chains

Crazy Kyler is FUCKED.

by the big dirty 69 420 November 2, 2016

Kyler thu

A person that is named kyler is the hottest person in the world and they are better than you at every game

Kyler thu is someone that is so hot that people melt when they see him

by Itsyaboiskinnypenis#1 February 3, 2022

liz and kyler

the most amazing couple known to mankind. nothing is better than these two combined. they’re the best of friends but also knows how to really get it. the best of the best right here. happiest relationship. most likely to be high school sweethearts and grow old together.

“Do you see that couple over there?”

“Yeah, that’s liz and kyler. Aren’t they just the best?”

Heck yeah my dude. I want a liz and kyler relationship.”

by happyhumperhippo November 21, 2019