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Give it a name

a phrase used when referring to a problem when there seems to be no solution.

Al. It seems the mob wants us dead. they call us buckwheats.

Sean. Give it a name

by Gabo May 7, 2008

97πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Urban names

When someone writes a definition on their name on UrbanDictionary and give it qualities like handsome, smart, athletic and shit.

Even though in real life, they’re fat fucking faggots who jack off to Hentai everyday and hardly see sunlight.

Me: β€œDude wtf? Go outside you fat fucking slob, stop posting those urban names.

You don’t own a lambo, you’ve never fucked a girl in your life, and you’re dad is not the ceo of Microsoft.”

Urban dicker: β€œStfu, I don’t need friends. My body pillow is all I need.”

Btw, Humphrey is most likely their name.

by ITS YA HOMIE NIGGLER October 5, 2019

30πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

in game name

An in game name, or "IGN" (not to be confused with ign.com) is the nickname a person gives the character they play as in a (typically multiplayer) game.
One might share these in chats with friends.

Person: What's your Minecraft in game name? Mine is xX_CodPlayer_Xx.
Friend: Dude, I don't even play minecraft.

by Eyy it's John May 9, 2016

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Your Name

Your Name is an anime movie, which was and is and will be famous in Japan, and other countries too. It topped the charts and still remains a legend in the anime world. A lot of people are watching it again. It was released in 2017. It's about a boy and a girl whose bodies changed with each other. The genre is romance, btw. Watch it. It's fun. Search it up yourself if you want more info, cause I don't want to list boring things like the production company and stuff.

A: Hey, you watch Your Name?
B: Yea, obviously! It's second place in Japan right now, after Spirited Away by Ghibli Studios!

by Anime pain April 8, 2019

79πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

no name basis

When you become so comfortable with someone that you no longer even refer to them by their first name. I.e. being beyond first name basis.

Man: "Honey, I'm home!"
Woman: "Hey baby, how was your day?"
Man: "It was great sweetheart."
Woman: "What's my name?"
Man: "Ummmmmmmmm..... sweetheart?"
Woman: "What, are we on no name basis now?"

by Rothdaddy October 30, 2006

2313πŸ‘ 682πŸ‘Ž

ocean (name)

this is a name; ocean would be dark blonde brown or blue eyes she's unique and loyal, caring, outgoing, sometimes depressed, mysterious, cute, bi or straight

ocean (name)

by iiomqannie October 4, 2017

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

black name

A word used by white people to describe an unusual name given to a black person.

Black man: Yo my name is Izza

White man: Wow that is such a black name.

by CHR15T0P#ER June 19, 2008

200πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž