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when ur so much of a natural crackhead that everyone thinks you’re riddled with ADHD. you tend to be a really fucking funny person and have a positive energy. you’re also the friend everyone wants and people are tend to be jealous of your superior comical skill. one could say you are a hybrid of Olivia Neil and Emma Chamberlain but we won’t get into that. a comedy legend at its finest

me: *has a random burst of adrenaline where literally anything you say makes the entire squad roll with laughter*

Them: you’re so adhd wtf 😭😭😭

by swaggiestbitchever May 7, 2020


A Dangerously huge dick

I have ADHD

by Mars.ngl October 19, 2023


I'm only one with it, not an expert dumbass. if your looking to be diagnosed go to the GP!
ADHD (or DAVE) is either attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or... ATENTION DEFICIT HEY DOUGHNUTS!
I am commonly told to listen better, it's annoying as fuck. I have interests in tanks and elves and art and find it easier to accomplish stuff if its actually interesting. so to all you educators out there find the interest of the alien so they will work.

I have ADHD, HUH? can you repeat that?

by Rimy Jobbs November 16, 2022



bro #1: u got that crackhead adhd energy
bro #2: nah im not katrina

by that’s rough lol! December 12, 2019





by Big dick Randy October 16, 2023


also known as autism lite and classified as a mental disorder, adhd causes lack of focus on lame things. people with adhd are an enigma to people without it. they seem unable to focus during lectures or work. they're always looking out the window, cracking their knuckles or shaking their legs as if they're addicted to distractions. among every person with adhd, there are a handful of activities they are exceptional in and will never lose focus. they may even lose sleep or skip meals over these activities.

adhd is believed to be an evolutionary accessory that manifested when man was a hunter-gatherer. humanity has since evolved to live inside safe boxes, eat pre-prepped food from safe boxes, and look at digital boxes with their free time. this is not an ideal environment for people with adhd, an explanation for how depression, anxiety and suicide often accompany adhd. the capability to critically think and comprehend multiple complex thoughts at once is not valued in safe box world, and causes unlucky people with adhd to be 6 times more likely to commit suicide. this could also explain the tendency of the elite possessing mental disorders such as autism, ocd, adhd, etc.

adhd makes people live their life how they want to with little thought to consequence. some people with adhd end up in situations where they are unable to do what they want. those people are dead.

shit neurotypicals probably say:

people with adhd make me mad because everyone seems to like them and not me

i don't have adhd, i'm just addicted to looking at idealized social situations on my phone

i'm bored of being a goldfish mindslave for the tech elites with adhd, but i can't seem to do anything about it

i'm bad at videogames because i don't have adhd

my friend with adhd was an excellent car salesman. he committed suicide during lockdown

why do people with adhd act like they're better than everyone

why are people with adhd better than everyone

did jesus have adhd?

this urbandictionary.com definition of adhd makes me so angry! whoever spent all this time jerking off their own mental disorder on the internet must live such a sad life. he totally doesn't make 7 figures a year doing the amount of work i do in 1 month. my attention span just ended, time to go back to tik tok!

by fishattention September 19, 2022


Attention-defeicit hyperactivity disorder or better known as ADHD is a mental disorder that affects an individual’s ability to focus causing them to move around more frequently. They may also have trouble controlling their impulsive behaviors.

ADHD is very, very overlooked :/

by floating_wierdoorweirdoidek December 10, 2021