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Majd Abu Ata

The guy Who Sung Deepwoken tard

deepwoken tard
give me this legendary card
playing the music like i am a bard
i am a capra so call me arad
- Majd Abu Ata

by The ferry Man April 29, 2022


abues is abuse in misspelled
but it also has meaning to a person or something in a state of "corruption" (curse)

1:Hey man don't be so abues to other ppl

2: i know you have done ABUES to others so you better stop it Dark!

by Darkcor8000(Leo) May 5, 2021

Dirty Abu

Largely known as greasy paki... nicknamed raj and likes to have an arranged marriage in his dust bin likes smelly fanny everyone loves his vibes he hides nudes in a bush

Look it’s a dirty Abu marrying a hooker in a bush noice

by Raj The kiddy fiddler April 19, 2020

abue chula

Abue Chula is Spanish phrase that translates to cute grandma. 'Abue' short for abuela (grandma) and chula (cute/pretty/beautiful).

It's also a term to describe a style. Cute vintage granny look. Lots of cozy layers and fabric that looks like curtain drapes.

"Awww look at that abue chula sitting at the bus stop"

"Those skirts are totally abue chula"

Looks like little red ridding hood raided her grandmas closet and she's killing it. What an abue chula!

by AbueChula November 6, 2017

Abu asar

Rahul is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. He knows how to make you laugh on any occasion. He is really humble even though he should be proud of ALL of his traits.

Abu asar- Attractive person

by Anonymous122227727272 November 24, 2021

Abu ali

Someone who opens the chat 5 seconds and leaves for 5 years

Seth : “where were you gone , I graduated already “
Sam : “I put my phone on silent”
Seth :” expected from you abu ali

by Anti Abu ali August 11, 2023

Abu Dwarf

A short man with high intelligence level

Abu dwarf will rule

by Issadaily May 23, 2022