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Word, The Alphabet

Spanish translated into english bad

Did you guys watch Word, The Alphabet

by Glaciam March 10, 2020

alphabetical obligations

Bobligation: (1) What Robert is required to do. (2) Da binding agreement to either have short hair or make something undulate.
Cobligation: (1) A mandatory action regarding da center portion of an ear of corn. (2) Something dat a male swan must do.
DOBligation: Refers to an instance where you have to state when you were born.
Fobligation: Da mandatory use of a large object to attach to your watch-chain.
Gobligation: Where you need to gather scattered material and combine it all into one lump.
Hobligation: Local building-code regarding da metal food-warming platform in yer fireplace.
Jobligation: (1) An edict dat states dat you must be employed if you are able. (2) Where an employer is required to hire you and keep you on his staff unless you either quit or are convicted of a work-related wrongdoing.
Lobligation: An agreement dat states dat you hafta throw something.
Mobligation: A rule dat requires a large number of da available residents to gather in a group.
Robligation: (1) See first example at da beginning of this list. (2) Where someone is required to steal, break-and-enter, etc.
Sobligation: Where you hafta noisily shed some tears.

Most alphabetical obligations make little sense in real life, but they are fun to say and amusing to think about.

by QuacksO June 9, 2020

alphabet snap

An alphabet snap is the lesser known name for the snaps that occasionally fall at the end of an intense sentence. The commonly known "Z-snap" happens to be just one of 26 alphabet snaps.
Other favorites include the "V-snap" where the hand makes a "V" in the air while snapping once at the base and again at the tip of the "V." At this point, the snapper looks up in the direction of the snap as if the line continues into the sky. The longer they stare, the more intense the snap. This snap says "you don't even know what just happened." At this point, it is appropriate for the snapper to get up and walk away to revel in their glory. The snappee is left in a state of total mindfuck.
The "W-snap" includes two hands. The hands start in the middle and and at the same time snap at the bottom two points and then again at the tips. When the snapper finishes he gives the snappee a look of utter pwnage. This snap says "you wish you didn't know what just happened!"

Person 1: *Performs a V-snap alphabet snap and looks into the air for 7 seconds as if his V was continuing forever, looks at Person 2, then walks away*
Person 2: *Dies*

by FoxyFunsies July 30, 2011

alphabet queer

Someone belonging to the ever-growing group of letters LGBTQ...................

Someone who does not know their ABCs and is confused about life.

1-Hey did you hear the added two more letters to LGBTIQ?
2-Who did?
1-The alphabet queers!

by Holden Tudiks sw July 19, 2023

The Alphabet Crew

Slang for the LGBTQIA+ community that is actually a funny nickname. I actually had to google how many letters it had to write this definition.

Person 1: I'm part of the lgbtqudhfowiuegfoiwg community.
Person 2: Oh you mean the alphabet crew?

by SomeMoronThatIsDumb February 13, 2023

Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet - Company that owns Google.

P1: Yo Have you heard of that one company who owns Google?
P2: Yeah i think it was called...ABC?
P1: Close, it's Alphabet Inc.
P2: ohhh makes sense
P1: However Alphabet's Website is abc.xyz

by Gemmyyy July 28, 2021

alphabetical ordinance

boardinance: A building-code for wooden structures or wild pigs
boredinance: A rule about providing adequate interesting programs/activities for local youths
coordinance: Specifies how many cans of Goldens and Silver Bullets ya are allowed per day
cordinance: Da local custom regarding extra/unwanted string
coredinance: Dictates how ya hafta dispose of yer eaten apples and dead car-batteries
doordinance: What ya hafta obey regarding hinged entrance-ways

fordinance: Which and/or how many blue-oval-badged vehicles ya may own
fourdinance: An edict regarding a specific number of items, occasions, etc.
goredinance: Rule regarding how graphically-violent a movie or event can be
hoardinance: How many items ya may hold onto
lordinance: How much power you can have over others
loredinance: What types of historic tales are permitted
moordinance: What's allowed on broad grassy areas
moredinance: Da law controlling additional amounts

Additional examples of alphabetical ordinance include:
nordinance: Rule of neither
poordinance: Da permissible degree of indigence
poredinance: Rules regarding da tiny holes in yer skin
pourdinance: How ya hafta dispense liquids, powders, etc.
roardinance: How loudly ya may rev yer engine or perform yer lion-impersonations
soardinance: A rule regarding flight
soredinance: How temperish or achy/rashy ya can become before seeking treatment
toredinance: How dilapidated/damaged yer clothing can be when ya are out in public
tourdinance: Da law regarding guided entertainment/instructional strolls
whoredinance: How "loose" a person can be
woredinance: How new something has to be, or what clothing ya hafta put on
yoredinance: What antique items/activities ya may possess and/or partake of
yourdinance: A rule regarding second-person ownership

by QuacksO July 29, 2021