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bing bong name plan

it is when asians drop pots and pans down something and make a name out of it.


Blong ding is your name now my child we used the bing bong name plan

by Jojo Refrence October 1, 2019

Dong Dong Wong Bong bing bon

AKA know as 2D 1W 3B. or DOUBLE DS W TRIPLE BS
1- When a girl is feeling horny for another girls tits. You might think that bc this word has DONG in it that it is about a male but no.
2- When guys are gay they are called GAY WADS but girls are lesbian they are called DONG DONG WONG BONG BING BON

EWWWWW I wish Hayley wasn't a Dong Dong Wong Bong Bing Bon so she would take the big DDDDDD!!

Last night Hayley was feeling my tits!!! "Omg she was doing the Dong Dong Wong Bong Bing Bon!!!!!!!"

by AYOOOOO LIL RARI!!!! June 19, 2019

bing bong poo

When you shit so hard the whole toilet bowl fills up.

"Bro i just layed a Bing bong poo in there!"

by benas12345678910 January 9, 2021

Bing Bang Bong

the best fricking catchphrase in the world

*bumps in to person*

person: what the hell dude?!
me: Bing Bang Bong my phat shlong.

by the big brain guy September 11, 2019

Bing Bong Lookin’ Ass

Someone who looks similar to a privileged toe head ass fool.

That boy used a 100$ bill at the Dollar General, Bing Bong Lookin’ Ass.

by PolonColon November 24, 2018

bing bong frog


ME : i like bing bong frog
THEM : your about to die

by minuwer April 14, 2020