Usually defines a cocaine and bicci shelving expert/enthusiast. Normally has bowling ball shined or number 1 shave head and is of a European decent and enjoys stealing friends partners undies from dirty washing basket.
Oi I’m keen to have a bit of a pail borg tonight
To run through a crowd of people greased up in hot tar as they grab at you
I sentence you to a jarl borging
He is the hottest guy in the world, he also have a big penis and he is the dream of all girls, he makes you smile with his "jokes" cause he is the funniest guy in the world and he is very smart at filosofia.
He plays football de caralho
Uau é o Zé, que gajo bonito fodaaa se quem me dera tocar
Oh migaaa olha o José Miguel Gomes Borges aquele que fodeu a nossa puta
FM's BORG contains the following ingredients: half a cup of water, Popov Vodka, Ronrico Silver Rum, Beefeater Gin, Sauza Gold Tequila, Peach Cisco, pumpkin beer (any brand), cup of moonshine soaked cherries, and a cup of sugar.
FM's BORG (FM stands for freaky man) is like a Long Island Ice Tea in a former water jug. BEWARE! Only make and drink if your tolerance is super high!
Gronk's BORG contains the following ingredients: copious amounts of pussy juice, Gatorade, Cisco, Levitra, caffeine, and Country Time Lemonade Mix.
IDK what was in Gronk's BORG, but I actually had to call a BORGulance because I had explosive and raging diarrhea.
J's BORG contains the following ingredients: water, Grey Goose Vodka, Raspberry White Claw, and Diet Mountain Dew.
If you think about it, J's BORG has a good mixture of vodka, claw (2nd liquor in recipe), water, and the caffeine (tons of caffeine in Diet Dew).
AARON BORG contains the following ingredients: water, Ayahuasca, herbal Viagra, Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, Blue Raspberry Cisco, and Berry Blast MiO Sport drops.
AARON BORG is fake fruity tooty psychedelic horny hot mess. Mmmmm.