A Brianna is a very beautiful girl who is always there for you. She is the least selfish person ever and always puts others before her. She will always care. Another thing about a Brianna is that she’s suuuuuuuuuuper cute and adorable and any other adjective that is similar to the word beautiful. There are literally no words to describe her. That’s why I’m gonna end this. She is too good for any of this.
Boi: Man I need a Brianna in my life.
Other boi: why dude????¿
Boi: because Brianna’s are all perfect and shit.
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Brianna up best friend in the world sometimes is short but has a huge heart she likes one guy and one guy only she is the type of friend to stick up for you no matter what just don't prank her or else if you don't have a Brianna in you life your missing a piece of. Life's puzzle
#bestfriendyouwillever meet
Brianna is amazing
Brianna is the best
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Brianna is a small insignificant little twat
She hasn’t watched any real movies eg. the borrowers and star wars
Every time she yawns it sounds like a dying cat eating a suffocating fish very slowly
If you ever see a wild brianna. Run. Run as fast as you can. Or she will follow you
Friend: “Did you see that Brianna out in the park today?”
Me: “oh no. A Brianna”
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Alright, where do I start. Most of the Brianna’s I’ve met are Really annoying. They would usually put their mind to it and then finish, They would be some weird ones but all together they would be A Yandere, Tsundere Cool Weird and probably a bit dumb and smart
Boy: Wow?! Is that Brianna? I heard she’s nice
Other boy: I wouldn’t say she’s nice She punched me the other day for Looking at her.
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the most prettiest girl in the word and also caring and loving she a really cool girl and usually falls in love with people that names start with J or C and she is the best girlfriend ever and when you first meet her she can be a bit lame but the more you know her she can the coolest girl you ever meet and she also very thicc she has a big nice ass
"oh look at brianna shes so thic"
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A Brianna is someone that will always be there for you and be the bestest friend ever. She is the most beautiful person I have ever meet. She will always make you smile and laugh so hard. You can tell her everything and trust her with your deepest secrets. She can be the nicest person when she wants to but can be a Bitch at most times. She the person need in your life. She can be weird most of the time but she could be the funniest person you'll ever meet she'll always be there for you no matter what
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