Camden is a good and trusted leader. Experienced and Educated, She'll have your back as an SGA president no matter what. Vote her and you'll be represented the right way!
"Who're you voting as president?"
"Camden, from the camileon party! I trust her the most."
Camden is a good and trusted leader. Experienced and Educated, She'll have your back as an SGA president no matter what. Vote her and you'll be represented the right way!
"Who're you voting as president?"
"Camden, from the camileon party! I trust her the most."
Camden may seem like a sweet guy but not when he goes around the Kiger brothers. This preachers kid knows how to get down and freaky, but the preacher may never know about camden’s favorite hole.
I wish Camden would get w me instead of Ben.
Camden is gay.
His sweet sensitive side goes away as soon as he sees the kiger brothers. The preacher kids all go down when camden comes in the room. Star Wars on, pants off. Camden is the best protestant in bed because he has no alcohol stopping his flow.
I wish Camden would’ve chose me instead of Ben.
Camden knows the Kiger bros weakness
someone whos helped me competed with me went to hell and back allways challenging me try to knock each other down someone thats been a supportive but fair freind he has helped me through almost every thing
z: your mom
c: kys
someone whos helped me competed with me went to hell and back allways challenging me try to knock each other down someone thats been a supportive but fair freind he has helped me through the worst and brst parts of my life
Z: your mom