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camel toe

her vagina is eating her pants!

check out that camel toe... buddy sure is hungry

by bottlerocket December 15, 2005

456👍 124👎

camel cake

Offensive term used to describe an ugly woman with too much makeup. Camel cakes often wear so many layers of makeup, they often end up looking like a man in drag or indeed, a camel covered in cake.

Camel cakes are unaware that with this maybelline mask, their face closely resembles a foot and proceed to act in a prissy and condescending attitude towards other people, mostly males. Camel cakes are known for using ironic phrases like "you wish you were this hot" and "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me". Unsuprisingly, most of the men camel cakes sleep with are blind drunk.

"Yeah she's hot, but her sister, right camel cake."

"Did you see that camel cake John took home last night? Man is he going to be embarrassed!"

"This camel cake grinded against my butt on the dancefloor then had the nerve to flash me a dirty look when I turned around!"

by Rahtedpumpclart February 28, 2012

Camel Sleep

When one is asleep to such a degree that to quote a camelthe dog is stuck underneath me”.

“Mate I’m shattered, need some proper camel sleep!”

by DumbassWho? June 9, 2019

Camel Clamp

When you’re inside a girl and she flex’s her pussy muscles to trap you inside of her.

“I heard that Nemo camel clamped Brandon while he was about to nut

by TMoney769 August 13, 2023

Silver camel

A sexual act involving the male genitalia and silver spray paint
It entails spitting upon the penis three times, stroking it twice, grabbing the can of silver spray paint, shaking it and spraying the penis from the tip down.

Person one: "I gave Tom the Silver camel last night, says it's still a bit shiny"
Person two: "Ha nice"

by Speccc April 30, 2021

Camel Glow

A phrase conjured up after the creation of the LED Bikini.

What about that one?

No, I can totally see her Camel Glow.

by Endgame1320 August 25, 2010

6👍 1👎

Waxing a camel

When a lady is shaving her intimate areas, She is WAXING A CAMEL. The use of the word "camel" is taken from the phrase "camel toe"
Whilst watching an AC/DC concert, my brother and i were trying to figure out what the hell the singer was on about.
We couldn't understand half of what the lyrics were. So we made up our own. "WAXING A CAMEL" is not a real lyric, but would make a good one. AC/DC MAY USE IT WITH PERMISSION IF THEY WISH.

Hello Britney, I can see your camel toe, is it waxed?, may i wax it?
I cannot come out tonight, I am waxing a camel.
Oooh, I am a bit itchy, I simply must wax my camel,
Do you like ladies with a 70's style bush, or a waxed camel?
May i wax your camel, you dirty woman?
I entered the bathroom to find my woman waxing her camel.
The two ladies were waxing each others camels.
My favourite hobby is waxing a camel.

by Scott Bon February 4, 2008