WCS or known as white and cant shoot occur when a person whose white doesnt have the ability to shoot the ball on command
harry goes the the ymca for pick ups and the guys says pick him up last he has wcs (white and cant shoot)
Cant fix stupid means exactly what it says. You can not fix stupid people.
Hey there did you see what he just did you cant fix stupid .
When you off the bean but you die.
Chase Williams cant handle the bean
When your mate Will is drunk and screaming aloud, he shouts "COME ON ENGLAND CANT," it is a sign of patriotism
Will shouted "COME ON ENGLAND CANTS" to Joel and Jake, his mates.
When you don’t feel anything towards things you normally would love; numb
Brandon- “man I cant love”
Andy-“what do you mean bro”
Brandon-“after my gf left me, I feel numb”
Something you say to yourself as a reminder to keep your composure/remain a Thug Gangsta while in a situation that has you frightened or feeling scared. To help keep your cool till you get through it. Thugs dont Cry
As Jordan stood on the edge of a mountain side cliff she slowly inched her way to saftey while slowly repeating Cant Scream Thug Life If You Cryin' over and over in her head.
To do something that is a fusion of disgusting and impressive
That's really canting