Caveman Theory is what I like to call the dumbest ass things you could think of. Sometimes it feels good to think so stupid that it goes against all the laws of science.
What Phil's thinking:
Phil-Damn. What if everyone in the world is some robot and they're testing me to see whether I'll do my job.
Carol-Sup boy!
Phil-I didn't do shit!
Carol-Okay? Have you been having Caveman Theory?
Rob VanKuiken is a straight basic caveman.
Robbie went full basic caveman when he stuck that 18G in that dudes bicep
Cavemen from 62000 BCE. Some still roam the planet to this day.
The Ethnohistorical Museum exhibits exiguous bits and pieces of Caveman Caveman remains and acts as the cynosure to many visitors.
Its when you have a shitty internet connection.
Derived from parking outside of mcdonalds to use their wifi to game
Dates back to a term people in PSU demo xbox 360
Oh, Ethan keeps lagging out of our server
He must have a caveman connection
Jesus Christ AKA the guy that my dad likes to use against me when I misspeak/exaggerate so he can say that I lie and Jesus won’t approve.
Me:Dad I saw my dog Rosie eating her gingerbread toy. Dad: really son dog’s don’t eat gingerbread or toys quit lying Jesus (the desert caveman) won’t like that.
Me again: no dad I was talking about her toy that looks like a gingerbread man.
Slamming your partner doggystyle and when you are about to blow, grab his/her hair so he/she can’t get away and blow all over your partner whilst screaming like a chimpanzee, optional actions are donkey punching or grabbing a stick and knocking your partner out
My partner was misbehaving today so I issued a caveman shower to assert my dominance
A Discord user who thinks they are the funniest user in the server Even though all they do is send the same 5 tenor gifs. They purely Talk with Gifs and have devolved into a caveman who has internet access
This Fucking Discord caveman keeps sending me these unfunny ass tenor gifs. Go type for once in you're life for christs sake