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A person who is always staring at other people, and staring at other peoples profiles.

Jon is a creeper. he is always creeping on facebook.

by Eric huuhes April 2, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who steps out behind your back(girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband),A cheater.

"Watch out for her,I hear she's a creeper!"

by Charles L. MacLennan August 30, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who punches women on the back on the neck during sex

Jonas is a creeper and punches girls on the back of the neck during sex

by jonasneckpunches June 19, 2010

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When an older guy looks and makes sexual gestures to a younger girl.

person 1 "Gosh Ryan is such a creeper"
person 2 "Yeah i know, he keeps hitting on that freshman girl"

by shmee_shmee May 28, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that has a lot of social awkwardness. This is usually a result of little social reaction as a child. It's in the family of stalkers.

Kyle B. So, Christine I really like those pants you've got on..but you'd look better with them off.

Christine. Kyle you're my creeper.. a very perverse creeper.

by atomic number 47 March 12, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A human-like creature, usually choosing the local gym as a habitat, that actively and aggressively seeks out females that they want to sleep with. Their activities may include awkwardly staring at your body parts, making awkward social advances in an attempt to impress you, or acting like aggressive, arrogant tools that have such a bruised ego that every girl must think that they're gorgeous (when we really just want to barf).

Creepers will mostly either be meatheads, or 40 year old, creepy, divorced bachelor types that are in some kind of bizarre mid-life crisis. They appear to be nice at first, talking to you about the weather, but will make you increasingly more uncomfortable as they begin to violate your personal space, make rude comments / openly hit on you, and make you happy that there's other people around. This is often when you're trying to exercise and use body language to tell them to leave. Add a friend or family member nearby to make the experience more humiliating. Beware, for ridding yourself of a creeper is like removing a cockroach with human intelligence.

Recent testing has shown that creepers are actually more similar to Neanderthals than human beings. This was long speculated by their actions alone, however.

You're on the treadmill one day, when you hear an angry grunt from across the gym. You notice a meathead tool lifting weights that you could probably lift yourself, and think what a tool that guy is. However, you think nothing of it.

A minute later, you notice him walking over to you. It's like the pit of doom ahead you want to avoid, but you're helpless against the incoming creeper onslaught. You get a closer look at the 40 year old, balding loser, but turn away, hoping desperately that he is targeting someone else. Then, in the creepiest, most annoying voice ever, you hear the dreaded "Hi!"

You turn around, almost snapping your neck because your treadmill is still going fast, and gaze at the perv.

He begins to talk about the weather, climbing on the treadmill next to you and setting it to the lowest speed. He makes a couple corny jokes, to which you fake laugh in order to be polite. Then, it begins.

"So, you look nice today."

(Stares awkwardly at sweaty shirt) "Umm... Thanks?"

"Do you come in here often?" (Or variants of that - never say yes)

He then tells you that he's divorced, and you feel sorry for whoever married this 40 year old idiot who thinks college girls would actually care about him.

You then say, nicely, "I'll see you later," ready to run out the door. You change the time you go to the gym just to avoid the creep.

by BlueBeag February 16, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. This is the only valid use of the word: A guy who looks at kiddie porn, molests children, rapes women, etc.

2. Otherwise it is a rather juvenile word to denote someone different. For example some random guy in the back of a photo, as if he intentionally was there to be creepy. Generally someone, almost always a male, who is different. They may have Asperger's or some other such condition, and so not able to socialize very well, they come off weird, even too strong sometimes, especially towards women. Vain, conceited women call them creepers because they are rather foolish and insensitive to what others suffer. Just like they might not understand everyone is not as well of as them money wise, they forget that not everyone is socially skilled as they are. It also denotes a guy who is perhaps artistic, scientific, etc, who does not act like a total ass. His male peers may call him this. In short, it is a overused term that should only be used for perverts, but has been applied to any guy who is a bit different.

1. "Jake just got arrested for possession of child pornography. Total creeper." (proper use)
2. "That weird guy John said high to me. He's such a creeper." (wrong use. The girl forgets that good mannered people say hello, and that because the guy may be an Aspie or something, he is generally more formal, and thus may come off stiff and "creepy". The proper response is to say hello, and then if the guy persists, show gently you are not interested.)

by Urban Sophist April 6, 2015

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