Having drinks while doing house work or other domestic necessities (packing for a trip, preparing to move, organizing the garage). The alcohol acts as a brain calming agent that allows you to drone on and focus on mundane tasks where you might otherwise get distracted or depressed.
We are moving in a week and I have a million knick-knacks to box up. Time to start the chore drinking and knock those knick-knacks out.
I'm looking forward to moving, but I have to make baked beans because my boyfriend is coming over tonight. I'll just start the chore drinking and get it all done lickety split.
Any song you can swing your glass to, while getting belligerently shit-faced to
Any Irish jig would serve as a bad ass DRINKING SONG!
A fucking awesome drink kinda like the person.
1/2 tequila 1/2 italian lemon soda. Glass size doesn't matter, the bigger the better.
Australian for pub,bar,boozer.
Where's the local drinking hole around here
A drink which restores ones health, frequently appearing in the survival-horror game series Silent Hill.
-Dude, give me one of those health drinks, I'm thirsty as fuck!
-Fuck you man, I already gave you a first aid kit!
Any alcoholic mixed drink (most often Jack and Coke) in which two thirds of the glass or more is filled with alcohol and the rest with the mixer. These drinks are meant for quick intoxication and are not for the casual drinker. They are often difficult to get down, and can cause intense vomiting if not careful. The Momo drink was made famous by one Morgan O'mara
Person A: "Damn was I hammered last night, I must've had 15 shots"
Person B: "That's nothing, try drinking 4 whole Momo Drinks."