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When you get an erection

I got an eggplant when I saw Wendy's logo

by Hollo0w September 10, 2021


It’s a dang vegetable, guys. Stop making it into something it doesn’t have the consent to be.

Guy: “wanna see my eggplant?”
Girl: “Only if you’re talking about the food you nasty boy.”

by lessdumblonde June 14, 2019


A vegetable -get your mind out the gutter

My favourite vegetable is an eggplant, it’s really nice when you cook it with seasoning

by DidyuSeee March 26, 2019


a definition of a penis that you send to a friend if u know what i mean ;)

eggplant is the definition of dont send it to a freind if you know what i mean uness u are weird.

by #koltogsjd June 3, 2019

versatile eggplant

A gay boy.

That boy on scenekids.com is such a versatile eggplant!

by justanotherwannabe July 11, 2014

Montana Eggplant

Large black Nigerian female with hourglass hips and a cowboy hat who squirts as faithfully as old faithful. Her partner is typically a small Asian man, around 120lbs in weight or lower. She uses her large tentacle like appendage to dominate her partner.

Damn!, by the way she's doing im, I'd say she's a Montana Eggplant!

by Jack Stack_24 October 3, 2020