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creep five

A variant of the traditional hi five where the deliverer of the hand slap forces a finger interlock, leaving the unsuspecting recipient creeped out

"Hey dude, did you check out AJ finger raping that chick with the creep five?"

by JayEL November 3, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

sticky five

The act of ejaculating into your hand and then slapping someone in the face with the same hand.

I gave that bitch a sticky five!

by Living_dead_gurrrl December 14, 2015

Mouse Five

Akin to that of a "Phone Five" whereby when talking on a mobile phone you yell "PHONE FIVE!" and each caller slaps their phone to simulate a 'High Five' without being near one another.

A mouse five takes place on computer instant messaging after something of great excitement or accomplishment have been achieved.

Both Parties raise their Mouse and slap it!

Adam: "I just got someone to babysit tonight, so we can play poker!"

Jon: "Mouse Five!"

*Slap Mouse*

by JonnyBGoodwin September 30, 2010

Box Five

A commonly-used term in the Drum Corps and Marching Band communities used to describe things as very very good.

Derived from the judging sheets of marching competitions in which the fifth box is the highest score for a specific section.

"That sandwich was box five, bro!"
"The band got a perfect score, because every single point was in box five"
"Your girlfriend was box five last night, if you know what i'm saying"

by SkaKid123 June 23, 2009

five dive

The act of a stripper picking up a folded five dollar bill off of a paying mans face (or forhead) with her vagina.

the stripper performed the five dive for her customer.

by kibascheza April 8, 2008

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five piece

An amount of drugs worth five dollars.

Im short on cash, can you jsut chop me a five piece.

by noguy March 3, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used in used as a replacement for the 'high-five.' Most common in the area of greater Cincinnati, Ohio.

"Dude it's really weird...everyone in Cincinnati says, 'five-high' instead of high-five!"

by godfather922 April 26, 2009

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