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Shortened way of saying that you don't give a fuck. Instead of I don't give a fuck, you just say I don't GAF (pronounced gaff).

Incel 1: “yo dude that girl you just asked out totally rejected you”
Incel 2: “I don’t gaf she was ugly anyways”

by Gafcreator123 October 11, 2023


Short for, “Good as Fuck.”

Yo, did you try those brownies Kevin made last night at Rachel’s party? Hell yes!!! Those were GAF!!!”

by KevySilverPlaya March 15, 2022


In order for stupid guys to not know what we are talking about me and my friends made up the word gaf. It originally stood for "gay fag" but someone bought it to my attention that then that would be "gafa". so ive decided that its just fag spelled backwards =

Susan: look at that guy over there in those tight ass jeans! They look like his little sisters!
Laura: I know! he is SUCH a gaf.

by gaflover92393 April 17, 2008


Gluten as fuck. It's when a person prepares a dish or meal and makes absolutely no attempt to reduce or eliminate gluten.

Emilie: "Do you know if that dip is gluten free?"
Lincoln: "Hell no. She doesn't believe in food allergies. It's GAF."

by Uncle Buck, Tennessee September 25, 2023


A word used mostly in Ireland to represent house or home. It is used by mostly teenagers and young people.

“yes lads i’ve got a free gaf
“gone land down to my gaf”
“we’re heading back to the gaf”

by connsume August 4, 2018


In the Air Force in the 1960s we used GAF for Give a Fuck, but the joke was the Go Air Force posters we saw.

Also DILLIGAF was an extension that we used: "Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck?"

DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck?

by Shale Stone December 21, 2016


Acronym for "Grunge-As-Fuck"
Various items of clothing can be referred to as GAF. Some of these include Check shirts, Aviators, Chuck Taylor Hi-tops, and Wooly Beanies with Pom-poms hanging from the top, and two ears.
People that refer to themselves as GAF must be beaten unless they regularly wear 3 of these simultaneously.
Also popular with those of the GAF, is listening to the musical stylings of grunge bands such as Nirvana, doing a good ol' Hoedown, hunting Orc, and going for a fish.

*You see some dude walking past with aviators, chucks, a check shirt and a nirvana bumbag*
"Holey shit that's GAF"
you may only get away with saying "GAF-as-fuck" if you are severely intoxicated.

by Benjiman-Skullfuck September 25, 2008