A person who' s personal issues end up killing everyone including himself.
Did you see that GENOCIDAL PUSSY hold the entire planet hostage and murder 100,000 people because he couldn' t grow a pair and handle it.
It's this weird condition where you get pretty outraged by witnessing an ongoing genocide.
I can't stand all this killing of all these civilians. I think I am suffering from genocidous.
The act of erasing or discarding entire sheets of work due to a small, but significant, error.
Josh had to commit lead genocide on his Thermodynamics homework when he realized he wrote down the wrong problems.
(noun) A dance style or a curation of body movements that represents genocidal joy as an endorsement of mass killings.
It is the most spectacular genocidance performance I have ever seen.
Their genocidance is an approval and contentment of genocidal operations.
When you promise a virgin you will go easy on her, but instead you wreck house!
Ya, Sarah and I hooked up for the first time last night, let's just say "it was a Cherry Genocide".
Justin True... Treau? Treu? Troo-doe (there it is) just passed a law stating that calls for genocide are punishable by life in prison. You know what that means.
Hym "For too long has the northern terror tainted our world with their mooses... Meese? Meese... *Ahem* Tainted our world with their meese and their ice sports! Time is nigh! I will not rest... I will not nap... I won't even snooze until the frozen wasteland of America's hat has been painted red with the blood of the infidels! Let the Canadian genocide begin!"