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"Goths" are generally people who conform to a wide range of black-centric fashion conventions, and listen to dark styles of music. It's a terribly ambiguous label that applies to an immense amount of people. The label is inherently invalid, and is almost always pejoratively/humorously used these days, except by teenagers describing themselves. This usage is dying quickly. Teenagers are no longer interested in the "Gothic" subculture. At one point, there was a clear definition of who you can or can't label as Goths - it meant people who dressed in black, often dyed their hair black or some bright color, and listened to certain kinds of music. There's no longer a clear definition. Goths traditionally are considered to have a nihilistic outlook on life. In my experience, the people labelled as "Goths" are generally more intellectual, and more down-to-earth than most people. Also, in my experience, they're also often frighteningly normal, in the areas where it counts, by comparison to most people who dress normally and listen to pop music. When I was 17, i'd have proudly declared myself a Goth, but now, i'm 22, and with time i've found that there's significantly more to me. I dress how I feel at any given moment, I still dye my hair black. My shoes are combat boots, though i've never been in the military. I listen to Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, etc. I'm a socialist. I'm a nihilist in the philosophical/existential sense. The label is easily applied to me. But, one of the greatest characteristics of people labelled as "Goths" is that we generally don't like to use the term for ourselves. These days i'd take it as a pejorative term. Often confused with the equally ambiguous/pointless term "Emo".

"Goth" 1: I like to read Nietzsche, and listen to Nine Inch Nails, and wear lots of black, simplistic clothing. My hair is nothing special, and I wear black makeup.

"Goth" 2: I like to wear flowing dresses, and often I listen to Switchblade Symphony, Rasputina, and occasionally am known to listen to something entirely out of character like the backstreet boys.

"Goth" 3: I just wear whatever I want, often it's black, sometimes there's metal in it. I listen to a wide variety of music, because I like it. Just because I listen to Manson, does not mean i'm as single-minded as he is. I also have great respect for classic rock.

"Goth" 4: liek OMG i went to hot topic and bought this uber my chemical romance shirt, and some pink bondage pants! i like to wear candy bracelets and dye my hair blonde and pink, but i pretend to have some sort of "dark" attitude, and have some intelligence and depth

these are all "goths" -
see how wide the scope of such a label is?

by Mr. Pwnage June 2, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The goth subculture originally evolved in the late '70s and early '80s out of the punk subculture.
goth bands: Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Alien Sex Fiend, Specimen

2. There are also sad little teens who listen to metal and consider themselves 'goth', but all they are are metalheads who happen to like the colour black and truly have no knowledge of what the goth scene came from.
NON-goth bands: Slipknot, Cradle of Filth, HIM, Marilyn Manson

3. Also non-goth are cybergoths (aka gravers, which is short for goth + raver), although they are sometimes incorrectly labeled goth. But most do tend to realise they are not goth and identify more with the industrial subculture.
cybergoth bands: VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Icon of Coil, Razed in Black

1. The goth backcombed his hair before going out to get more of that 80s' goth look.

2. The teenager shopped at Hot Topic and bought some baggy pants and a Cradle of Filth t-shirt in an attempt to be a "goth". Unfortunately, he failed.

3. The cybergoth had neon green hair extensions and danced to VNV Nation.

by gother than thou...j/k July 9, 2005

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That one kid who cuts himself in woodshop class.

Caleb likes to use the handsaw to bleed himself in woodshop.


by MickSwaggger September 23, 2009

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Having read quite a few of the "definitions" on this site, I have to say there are some of you who are slightly mistaken. Actually, a select few of you are way off. May have been trendies/townies/preps that wrote them, I don't know. But I am going to add my definition to this zoo of mistakes. There were a few that did get the jist of it, but still I wanted to add my opinion to the masses. Before I begin, I just want to say that this is not a concrete definition of Goth since Goth can not truly be defined. This is how I see it. Goths in other parts of the world can disagree with me if they like, but this is the philosophy I was brought into when I turned Goth, back when I was 16. Goth has earned some pretty bad publicity over the past couple of decades. People have started stereotyping Goths because of things that they have heard in the news or on TV about supposedly "Gothic" children who ritually slaughtered children, claiming that they were Satanists. People started believing that we were vampiric, since a lot of us walked about wearing a lot of black and pale faces with copious amounts of eyeliner. Not ALL of us. But some of us. The first thing I want to clear up is that Satanism and Goth are in no way connected whatsoever, unless the Goth in question wishes to incorporate the two. Several Goths I happen to know are devout Christians, so this proves that accusation to be false. Some Goths may choose to practise magic in the form of the Pagan faith of Wicca, but usually only because the belief system of this faith makes more sense to them and makes them feel more comfortable with the world around them. Goths generally do not drink human blood unless they either get sexual kicks out of it or are deluding themselves that they really are vampiric and gain their strength from the drinking of the blood they take from others, thus feeding on the life force of their victims like a leech. Generally we are not so stupid as to risk the fact that we could get all sorts of diseases from drinking the blood of another. AIDS can be contracted very easily using this method. There are several people who are like that around Belfast and there may well be a few who are like that around where you live. But they are not really worth bothering about. If they want to give themselves delusions of grandure, that's their problem, not ours. There are several types of Goth in the world. Tastes in clothes and music vary person to person. In my opinion, a Goth is not identified completely by the clothes they wear, however I thought it best to add the common- ish fashion attributes of the three most common varieties of Goth where I live: 1. Trad- Goths: One of the most popular sub- catagories of Goth. The inhabitants of this catagory are generally the ones most sneered at by trendies/townies/preps if encountered in the street (I myself have been referred to as a "Gaff," a "Gaffic," and last but not least- the showstopper- a "Got"). This sort of Goth's taste generally revolve around the 1980s when Goth was still truly alive; whenever it was originally an offshoot of the well known Punk genre. This Goth can be found listening to bands such as The Cure, Alien Sex Fiend, Bauhaus, The Sisters of Mercy, The Mission and Joy Division and is easily identifiable by their choices of black and somewhat rich and "floaty" garments. This sort of Goth is also known to listen to some Darkwave and Synthpop also. 2. Fetish Goths: The Goth scene has always attracted people with broad sexualities. This category includes the occasional Transvestite, S&M fetishists and many others who frequent the Goth clubs. Leather and bondage gear are especially popular with Synthpop and EBM fans. Their music taste tends to be quite similar to that of the Trad, ie 1980s Goth/ pop, Synthpop, EBM. 3. Cyber Goths. The new EBM (Electronic Body Music) scene has led to the rise of a new generation of Goth. Cyber Goths are more elusive and, unfortunately, that little bit more pretentious than the Trad or Fetish variety, since there are less Cyber clubs in which to congregate. They can be spotted by the occasional addition of brightly coloured, dreaded extensions into their own hair, also known as "falls." They can also be observed wearing platform shoes like Swears or Transmuters when they go out clubbing. Cybergoths incorporate more colour into their culture and tend to wear neon colours along with black. Music Taste: EBM, Techno and some Industrial. 3. Industrial Goths (also known as Rivetheads or Cyberpunks): These Goths go by different names in different places but are most commonly known as Industrial Goths. They stem from the late eighties industrial scene and have changed little in the last decade. Many of them have headed in the Cyber direction since EBM took over the industrial scene, and they are not as common in Britain any more. Music Taste: Industrial, Industrial Metal, some Goth Rock. When Punk "died" in 1979, Goth was spawned in the bands that came after more famous bands like The Sex Pistols, The Clash and P.I.L. Siouxsie Sioux of Siouxsie and the Banshees patented the Goth "look." She was very annoyed to find people copying her sense of style. She became a Goth icon alongside Andrew Eldritch and Robert Smith. Goth is not a sense of fashion or music taste. It is a state of mind. Which is the one thing that Goths have in common. Their tastes may vary slightly, but they share roughly the same outlook and the same scorn, for want of a better word, for the human race. Goth cannot be defined as easily as I have made out, but I just wanted to give you a couple of guidelines. I hope I have helped somewhat. Below is an example of an experience I endured between a group of chavs in sports gear with a very broad Belfast accent (we generally refer to them as spides, for future reference). I have tried to compensate for accent. Please note that "like" in spide language is pronounced "liek" or "leek".

Chavscum: (sniggering and pointing)
(Jinx walks past minding her own business, on her way home from a friend's house)
Chavscum #1: Here, wee girl! How much d'ye charge to haunt a house, like? You look like fockin' Casper the friendly ghost! I fockin' hate Goths!
Jinx: Why are you trying to figure out if your rates are competitive or has your ma finally moved out?
(Jinx shuffles away up the street leaving confused spides in her wake)

by Jinxed_Sequin September 8, 2005

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A lifestyle choice. You can't really define a 'goth' because every one them is different. 'Goths' don't think they are better than everyone else. They simply make a choice to dress, act, and speak how they please. Goths are just like the rest of the world. They are entitled to their own views, and musical tastes also, which tend to be darker, and follow the trends of the 'post-punk' era. If people would get over their misconceptions, and stop saying things like "goths are fake, they should go die, and OmGzZz u r a pozerr bitchh!," and actually have an open mind, you would see that their lifestyle does not make them so different from you, and that they could care less about what you think, because they are going to live their life the way they want regardless of your ratty opinions.


Goth: -blinks- Okay then. Have a nice day. -walks away-

by Sheaa. October 20, 2008

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Goths are no different than anyone else. We just see things for what they really are. We may look different or act different but were all the same on the inside...kinda. Goths DO NOT cut themselves, thats depression. And as a last bit of information, Goths arent fake. Were more legit than any mainstream prik you know

Mainstream dickhead: "eww look at that goth piece of shit. il bet he cuts him self and is gay"
Goth kid proceeds with kicking Mainstream dickhead's ass and says "Here's 3 things to remember about Goths; 1. we all dont cut ourselves 2. we arent as frail and homosexual as you think and 3. i wont fuck with you but if you fuck with me il be your worst nightmare

by Unknownsavior October 17, 2011

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A word that no-one in Urban dictionary can define because they don't know the concept of definition in the first place, which is a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol.

John: A goth is not someone who dresses all black, acts depressed all the time and wears make up.
Bill:...Then what is it?
John:...Shut the fuck up.

by Jack Ripley December 1, 2006

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