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couch hockey

Teenage kissing, petting or intercourse on his/her parents couch.

Brad and Angelina were caught playing couch hockey.

by RKeller1 April 14, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hockey Players

EXTREMELY good looking, most go to a preppy high school, wear lulu lemon, have sexy hair, and pull bitches. Attract a certain type of girl, but all the ladies love em and the guys wanna be em. Hockey players are hands down the sexiest people alive.

Cam: Yeah I know, but she gets with all the hockey players.
Ella: How could she not, if I could I would too!

by Ellie Ringston March 6, 2018

64๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hippo hockey

A very popular North American sport introduced in the late 20th century which is played very often by average-weight Wal-Mart shoppers.Upon entering an aisle,which is crowded by anywhere from ten to fifteen 300-pound human hippos,the average-size shopper uses their cart to knock the huge asses out of their way.

"If you have to shop at Wal-Mart,be prepared to play hippo hockey,especially on a Saturday or during the holiday shopping season."

by GhettoHillbilly October 22, 2012

Drunk hockey

Typically a college phenomenon but can also extend to the postgraduate years, drunk hockey consists of getting drunk and playing a hockey video gme from EA Sports or 2K Sports

I pregamed hard but every frat house around here was closed, so I came back and popped in NHL 12. I proceeded to play drunk hockey

by caps_fan74 January 26, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey girl

Obviously, a girl who plays hockey (and enjoys it)

I play hockey, therefore I'm a hockey girl (and can kick your ass)

by imapepper01 August 29, 2008

129๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey boys

hot guys that wear khakis and hockey sweatshirts they can win every girl over with the hockey hair. they are followed to games by girls who sit in the bleachers and pretend to understand the game just like to get noticed by them. the abs are gorgeous and there flirting is dangerous

me: hey iโ€™m talking to someone
person: who?

me: some hockey boy
person: be careful
me: why?
person: hockey boys are m super hot and the hair is dangerous.

by puckslut123 February 8, 2019

53๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot hockey

a game that is essentially a cross between soccer and hockey. It is played with however many people, usually around 4 to 11 per side. It's played on a road or other flat surface, preferably covered with snow. A tennis ball is used in place of a traditional hockey puck, and feet replace hockey sticks (just like in soccer). The nets are the same size as a hockey net, but are often quickly made out of available materials (like pylons, bags, coats) and lack a crossbar. The rules are unofficial, which is what makes it so great, and resemble soccer except the goalie may throw the ball to a player and that player is allowed to catch it with his/her hands, as well as the inclusion of crosschecking in order to gain possession of the ball.

Person #1: Hey it's too cold to play soccer, and we don't have any hockey equipment to play in the winter. What do you want to do?
Person #2: Let's put the two sports together, have complete disregard for any official rules, hope for the best, and call it foot hockey.

by hoftstadter January 8, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž