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Houston Oiler

A shart while laying on one's stomach.

I pulled a Houston Oiler in the bed last night. Shit was gross!

by hometeamrocker April 22, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston Astros

The game was thrown, but not by the Houston Astros.

The Houston Astros didn't rig the system, but some people do rig it with their machinations.

by The Original Agahnim October 12, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

houston high

this is the richest ghetto school you will encounter. the rich germantown whities tryna act black all the mf time and this where all the plugs at. houston is a good school academic wise but DAYUM THESE KIDS DUMB AF.

oh she go to houston high? ew lol

by cancellationbitch August 29, 2021

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Houston Porcupine

when you are eating a girl out, then you stop grab a piece of artificial turf shove it up her vagina, then fuck her with a 9 iron

Man me a betsy did the Houston Porcupine last night, and now she wants to golf

by dumpymchatfuck April 28, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston Astros

You notice that teams that haven't been losing against the Yankees much that year get investigated, but when was the last time anybody investigated the Yankees? LA is the same way, other teams either go along with the LA teams program or theres an investigation.

The Houston Astros and the Red Sox, teams that had been giving the Yankees trouble in the past few years are the teams that got investigated it turns out, which seems to be what happens when the Yankees don't win a title that year. The same time winning every year isnt interesting, some people root for the team that's going to keep a season interesting over impressive stats and a winning record.

by Solid Mantis September 11, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston Lingerie

Who says size doesn't matter, this underwear is usually 2-3 times larger than the average underwear. Representing parachutes the males of Houston often feel like they are on the front line again. Houston is known to be the fattest city in the World a virtual goldmine for people like Rita Mcneil.

Steve: Hey Rick, I just got back from Houston, nailed the fattest girl and brought home her Houston Lingerie.
Rick: That's hilarious you could sky dive with those fuckers.
Steve: Yup,those people in Houston don't even realize how fat they actually are.

by Sober151 February 9, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston Astros

Underachieving choke artist team that can't win when it counts.

The Houston Astros have been swept again in the playoffs!

The Houston Astros have failed to win late in the regular season and have been eliminated from any playoff hope

by Hang me now and save me from the torture September 23, 2003

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