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I really don’t need no light to see through you

I really don’t need no light to see through you. — A brutal way to tell someone that they are absolutely transparent. This idiom entered popular culture in 1982 as a result of the quite danceable late disco track by the same name sung by vocalist Jeffery Osborne.

A useful insult in an age of MAGA Republicanism.

A more contemporary version of this is insult is the more versatile “I see you” — which can either be an insult or a statement of deep connection and engagement.

When Dolt 45 says that if he’s elected he will be MAGA’s retribution, I’ll just say this: I really don’t need no light to see through you, Donnie.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler July 30, 2023

144👍 8👎

hey guys I like really need to buy some bread in minecraft

u need bread cuz u hungry and since ur eating bread that is made by a man or woMAN that is gay
you big gay pee

person 1: hey guys I like really need to buy some bread in minecraft
person 2: no cuz thats gay
Person 1: ok

by senor pee pee buns April 29, 2018

3👍 3👎

I don't need to

Anything I have "done" to justify anything is entirely hypothetical.

Hym "I don't need to. These fucking half-wits are going to do what they are going to do either way. That's what ya'll don't seem to understand. The thing that you're doing was already happening. You don't like that I was "talking shit" but all these ignorant motherfuckers do is talk shit. I'm not going to kill myself over it BUT your kids might. So... There you go! Enjoy. You all love it. You all get to feel better than someone. I'm not going to learn a lesson and you kids will break before I will. It just don't matter. They don't actually care. All I've done here is give them something to pretend to care about."

by Hym Iam April 5, 2023

I need a medic bag

A commonly used Payday 2 joke. It comes from the most epik man in Payday.

Example: Someone gets hurt and says "AHHH I NEED A MEDIC BAG" or "AHHH IM DYING SOMEBODY DROP A MEDIC BAG"

by Ranuncolo October 4, 2022

I need that!

Said when wanting to fight someone. Prison slang.

As the inmate got ready to fight, he asserted, “ I need that!”, while taking off his shirt.

by Epozar April 22, 2021

I nEeD A qUeStIoN

ask somebody to giv you a question

ay Joe! I nEeD A qUeStIoN
Ya what?
Can i PLz eat your poo?
sure it sure is tasty

by Earth Worm Sally December 9, 2018

I need to make a word up plz

haha too late I defined the undefinable- wait is that a word... uh oh!!
or maybe the person after me has anyway I already defined it so go away

person1: man I cant find any empty word on urbandictionary!
person1: oh wait I know lets see if I can make it first...
person1: oh they already have I need to make a word up plz damit I wanted t-
*piano falling*

by IS THAT REAL February 4, 2021