Knowledge acquired through brief encounters with google, often taken from a search results page and never referenced.
Quite commonly, insta-knowledge is confused with actual knowledge which comes as a result or learning and experience. Insta-knowledge has yet to be truly recognized as it cannot yet be found on Google.
Whilst insta-knowledge can be useful if you want to know a new recipe, or clean out your carburetor, it cannot be forgotten that it does not make you a political analyst, a virologist, or a doctor.....ever.
Does he even know what he's talking about? Sounds like insta-knowledge to me.
The act of writing everything you know on a test or exam - usually followed by a feeling of heavy relief or fatigue.
Patrick: Just had a huge knowledge dump - my brain hurts.
Caroline: You should take a nap!
A nugget of golden wisdom that someone graciously gives you from their mouth to your ears. Also to be exclaimed after dropping said knowledge biscuit.
"I just dropped a knowledge biscuit on your ass."
"Dude did you know Hitler had a huge farting problem? KNOWLEDGE BISCUIT!"
One long remaining pubic hair (approx. 3-4 inches long) on either male or more commonly found on female genitalia.
Either a remainder from one long bush wacking.
Or that one stubborn cock sucker that gets missed every shave or trim.
"Yo Jared, I just slept with Shauna Palmer, man it was crazy! when i was mucking her barn, i had to stop cause i thought i had a loose hair in my mouth. But nope, it was one long single pube... in my mouth." Said Sean
"Haha, no way! She had The Hair of Knowledge!" Said Jared
When you dish out an awesome bit of knowledge to people around you
Hey look at that kid, he's such a knowledge monkey!
1. False sense of bravado caused by an excessive, unchecked ego or boggled memories from the past.
2. Knowledge of foxes
You sure we are high enough level to do this dungeon? (group wipes) Fuckin fox knowledge.
A thick twat. Has absolutely no knowledge of what they are talking about and you can see straight through their bullshit.
Steve said women can't cum through oral sex because he's been told by a doctor. He's a phantom of knowledge that twat.