Source Code

letter boxing

Hiding a box in a remote location and giving clues on how to find it. Inside the box is a notebook and a stamp. Serchers bring their own stamp and book; they use their stamp to mark the book in the letter box. They then use the stamp in the box for a mark their notebook.

The letter boxing clues made the hidden box easy to find.

by desiresnomore April 25, 2009

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numbers as letters

when people try to be "cool" and replace numbers with letters. Commonly seen on online game chats

ex "LOL wat a n00b"

"lol did you just use numbers as letters?"

by talalytheabdali September 16, 2013

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classical letters

a physical, non technological, personal form of correspondence, excluding e-mail, fax, Skype, youtube, or phone. This type of communication was called, from Pharaonic Egypt, i.e. before the arrival of computers, personal epistolary correspondence

mother (before daughter goes off to University) : please write me classical letters, I am somewhat technologically challenged, and can't remember the password to access my email.

daughter: I can always write you a few classical letters, but they take time to come home. You are lucky I happen to know what they are. No one in my class but me knows what classical letters are anymore

by Sexydimma January 4, 2014

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Computer Letter

A 'Computer Letter' is a letter, document, or computer file that is sent electronically from one desktop/laptop/mobile phone to another, with the aid of programmes such as Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail, and Yahoo. Whilst most are satisfied with the term 'Email', others prefer to use this terminology to reduce the chances of confusion. Used by only a rare number of individuals, the'Computer Letter' terminology originated in Southern England and will inevitably spread to more northern regions such as Manchester and Newcastle. Since origin, the term has been abbreviated to 'CL' and 'Com-let'.

sorry my assignment is late, my computer letter was not working

by pgshents April 21, 2011

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the scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter is the worst fricken book ever that our dumbass teachers make us read because they are retarded and like ruining our lives.

Fuck Hester, The Scarlet Letter sucks monkey ass!

by Mateo_4_5_6_ October 19, 2005

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Double letter

Any first or last word you use, add double letters at the end or beginning of the word to assert your dominance

bruhh that was litt
ii just won that fightt

Double letter is used to assert your dominance by adding another letter

by Wassaaaaaaaaaa March 17, 2019

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letter rape

Consistently receiving low scoring letters in a game of Scrabble or Words with Friends, making is very difficult to win.

Tammy only won the Words with Friends game because the computer letter raped me the entire game.

by Jeremy Ko December 27, 2011

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